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pistol pete

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Everything posted by pistol pete

  1. think the 6420s is still a tidy looking machine ricky
  2. Were you sad to see her go. so do you think that the 30 series is an improvement over the 20
  3. looks nice wish we had one on our 6830. that is a nice fleet of deeres that you are running now.did you sell anything to get the 6930
  4. nice looking machine. did you order the sunroof as a extra.
  5. So he changed colour to green what size was it do you know
  6. best place to get classic machines in good nick, we had some cattle at rosy school on this guy that had 40 acres. in the shed was a mint 5000 with not a mark on it.
  7. what farm did it come from a small holding
  8. Well mate worth the wait.looking good with the mastons. we used to have an 8 ton marston as well towed it with a deutz 4.51 commander or the 6600 jd.
  9. fit like was she to drive home then martin
  10. sounds like a good deal you'd better put up some pics when it comes home
  11. I am a deere man as you probarly know. but that deere sounds a bit expensive unless it is coming with the loader fitted for 45k. at our local dealer there are these for sale 6930 2007 1200hrs £56500 or 6830 2007 1650hrs, 6630 2007 1335 hrs £ 39500. or more your cousins size 6230 2008 75hrs £29500. but get the best deal you can with a look atresale and good dealer back up
  12. Not good to hear all the problems you are having with your deere Gav. we ran a 6620 for three years trouble free the 6820 that replaced it in 2007 is giving trouble free motoring along with our 6830. may'be your boss got the friday afternoon tractors
  13. I am starting to think that you have become a john deere man like myself and jez
  14. what are you going to use the original wheels from this machine for
  15. Nice martin hopefuly you will get to keep the 698 and get rid of the nash
  16. tidy looking machine nice to see a 6 wheeler is it going to be used for grain
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