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pistol pete

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Everything posted by pistol pete

  1. well have got back from a the british army skiing championships and have finally got round to post some pics taken at home at christmas. first of all a pic of george morrisons 2850. he owns a 170 acres and has retired and rents out the ground he has left but has kept this tractor a 135 fergie and a teleporter.
  2. very nice indeed a true classic mate
  3. very nice mate loving both the green machines
  4. Ziko very nice mate does this mean that you will have to build a 6810 now
  5. I am going to build another 20 then that will be enough for my display
  6. the glass looks a bit marked graham should have clean it again with surgical spirts
  7. mainly KV up here mate has a 10 furrow kv just now nice plough. we have a 4 furrow kv but that might be changing to a 5 this year since we have the 6820 and 6830. dog is looking happy in the deere to
  8. Paul is a member on here you would be better sending him a pm . where about do you live in germany
  9. paul (pdc) might be able to help with the 6810 but don't know about the 2650
  10. have got the pics of a real 600 on tracks and its 35 foot header and trailer to post. very nice conversion to
  11. ye i know but hopefuly some body will catch on would love a 1075 they were pritty cool to
  12. mate that is looking great very jealous of your skills mate would love on of them in the firhills collection
  13. no it is a 600 wnt and seen them today it is the second one in scotland with the 35ft header. second one they have had on tracks. will post pictures of it when i get home.
  14. so you are after a model of each of these tractors then.
  15. SCOTLAND mate last day of my holiday tomorrow then back to germany then of to france on friday. hope to get a picture of his 8530 and 10 furrow kv 2 morrow.
  16. I it is helpful with all the different people on here. 8 wheelers are common up my way my mates run about 25 of them for there quarys most of them scania to
  17. went looking for a trailer to take a picture of like the old fraser we had but none about everybody has 14 ton plus now. haven't managed to get a pic of my mates new combine but it would make the jd look small he got a new lexion 600 on tracks and a 35 ft header. changed days as the ran the same combine as you are making.
  18. very nice graham a lot of work to get it to look that good
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