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pistol pete

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Everything posted by pistol pete

  1. well i thought that i would put a couple of pics of the two tractors 6830 and 6820
  2. Well have just been home for a couple of weeks with the wife and the kids. while home i managed a few days helping on the farm would have like more but the weather was not in my favour. the first thing i did was carting rape, i normal cart it straight to the granary but with the cost of fuel we actual made more money with it being picked up. had the 6820 to start with as both tractors were getting serviced and the 6820 was ready. a picture of the the yoke
  3. saw the real 6920 at the european championship in germany earlier this year
  4. Nice machine same as our one you are right with the weather went home for 2 and a half weeks and only got about 4 days on the harvest. spent most of tuesday pulling out the combine.
  5. NO i haven't been up to much lately. have been away on weapon course with work and as its good weather across here have been playing golf. but am going home this week so will manage to measure a few bit of kit from home and hopeful get a new shed with dryer in it started when i get back.
  6. so will i see this beast out on the road next week if i am on the forfar by pass tyhen mate. nice looking machine and at least you have got it now.
  7. I have seen that before I think it belongs to the lads that have the berrys by the side of the by pass.
  8. Looks like he is messing your boss about a bit, at least when you order from nethertons it is nearly always there when they say or a day or two late but never as much as you guys have been waiting. It is duncan henderson that has the new 8530 he also has a 8310 as well as the 7530 then about 4 6820. my mate has both the 7530 and the 8530 lucky boy.
  9. well bill you were only a couple of miles from my house as I live in Friockheim when i am home. nice to see a pic of alans big ford as nobody at home could remember the size of it. I think that Ians son is Hamish a lad that i went to the young farmers with.
  10. well we have went from our 6410 to a 6830. havent been home since it arrived but the word from home is that it is a bit better than our 6820 at pulling. the guy next door has got a 6630 was speaking to him on the phone and he says that it is a good tractor too and he says it is better tractor to pull his dumper than there 6420s that was opened up. what tractor are you getting rid of to get one. i would also go for the 68 as you can always use the extra horses.
  11. Well mart hows it going see you are busy again. no word on the new tractor yet. another one of my mates has just got a new 8530 thats 2 now in a 7mile radius.
  12. nice to see the updates there jas looking good
  13. nice convo's there mate and they are all the right colour
  14. Didn't think that they would bill its all my mates that gave me the name although it is on the front of my tractor when i drive it.
  15. show looked real good there bill did alan and young alan only have one entry
  16. on the way to another Camp here in Germany i past several fields of whatis suspect was winter barely cut. will e on the look out for any combines in action now.
  17. another one of your master pieces mate will look good on yer farm when finished
  18. so is that you on the forfar by pass then. its not the easiest road to cross car drivers don't like it when you go into the fast lane to cross over at all.
  19. ye am looking forward o seeing it to. had a look to do it to this one but didn't know how to get the best result.
  20. this is where the 8400 wheels ended up it will be used on the tattie harvester that i will be ordering from dave shortly
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