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Everything posted by nathan

  1. some pictures , i couldn't get them all as i ran out of time and being stuck in the craft tent i didn't see too much, hope you like them
  2. well no rain so far , will get some pictures today went to get some yesterday but after one picture batterys when down , its been good so far.
  3. any joy of any thing new paul now that you have crushed half the people on here with that news on the massey :D bit disapointing that.
  4. being uh it might not be that different in price :D :D. nice to see the older stuff comming along. would of liked to have seen a 590 in 32nd first but mustn't grumble will be nice to have a few.
  5. i shall be in the craft tent (in case of rain) farmer ed will be out in his trailer i expect. i hope to get a look round and take some pictures for everyone.
  6. this 2 day vintage rally is held in kingsbridge s devon , i've been told theres a david brown theme this year 74 of them i've been told plus loads of others theres ploughing and other bits and bobs. we will be there with a few models . hope to get some pictures for everyone to see as well.
  7. nathan


    its alot of cash for the 2 when you add it up
  8. thats a right peach there mate nice to see some weights
  9. would say so , i'm buying the dealer box ones and replacing the ones i have hacked to bits
  10. these mib nh6635 nh8560 tm165 tm165 dealer box mf6290
  11. ive got the bug of buying dealer box NH at the moment and i don't why either must be down to the lack of models being bought out this year compared to other years.
  12. some collection there mate i too like the nh on row crops , why couldn't britains do these they would make a mint. and some older britains too . how long has it taken to get this far then mate.
  13. i had an numpty send me a tractor wrapped like that and the cab was smashed to bits , but mine was only £3 so i'm not to bovered about it as i want to break it for parts. wrapping stuff like that is bad , at the end of the day yousend clothes like that not items that can break. shame they don't have numptys awards on ebay :D good luck in sorting it out mate
  14. theres not a lot of difference between them is there will be intresting to see what nigel has to say about these pictures.
  15. going for about a year and what great progress noel , just read it from the start good work, heres to the next year then
  16. rain here just for a change :D sat doing paperwork which i hate just as much as the rain. but i need to sort one of the sheds out so i can get back to doing some conversions
  17. are you using the skid unit as well pete as i was thinking of a 6420s using the massey uint and wheels
  18. bought a mf 2680 with cab off ebay for under £3 when it turned up the cab was smashed to bits as the person sent it in a bag that catalogue returns are sent back in. ??? ??? ???
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