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Everything posted by nathan

  1. i have the RRP for this model its £17.60 from a wholesaler that sent me a new price list
  2. thanks guys , its just i was going to break a few for the tracs and didn't want to be left with the rest so i thought i have loads of spare wheels that i could use up.
  3. well i got a new wholesalers price list yesterday and it said out feb cw/ bucket & fork don't hold me to this i'm just reading to you what it said, and it is britains we are talking about here :D :D oh and feb for the rest of the models as well it said. \ \
  4. i do like the A frame bit in between it all, wheres that from then blake ?
  5. that looks good on that wiking claas , good work there blake 8)
  6. did you try vallace's at newton abbot (the one whos yard you can see from the A38) been told they do dealer box stuff
  7. its not over yet, a lot can happen still, well we have ray wilkins as caretaker till someone puts their head on the chopping block oopps i mean steps forward
  8. thats not something to laugh about sean its hard being in charge of such a great club like chelsea ;D ;D ;D
  9. well i'm doing the valtra t one today and its a bit of work to do. but its getting there i will get some pitures up when done.
  10. blinking rain rain rain > can't do any gardening, but 1 delivery of logs done at lease, but then others don't want it delivered in the rain >
  11. wow :o that is one hell of a model mate, looks the part i must say, good work FM ;)
  12. looks good on those wheels, and the body work fits well to. was it much work to fit the bodywork to the UH skid unit.
  13. i can see alot of uh vs britains conversions happening with this one great looking model
  14. whens this one on then chaps
  15. well if there was a reason to do 2 thats it. one with one without. cheers for the picture barry looks like the skid unit is grey on that one.
  16. no front fenders for this one as paul said , would any of them of had front fenders? and what colour should the skid unit be , mine is black as i think it came from a m160 .
  17. don't know on that one mate, but aren't they doing a 5000 in 1/32 this year. i think i read that somewhere , would britains still own the rights to that one after all these years. i don't know
  18. i can't make my mind up on what one to use, do i stick with the britains 8560 skid unit and valtra t wheels or use the valtra t skid unit and wheels or try some thing else. any help would be great cheers nathan
  19. on the mtx it does say 145 doesn't it? mccormicks look good , as well as the fords. wonder if next year we get the fords in 1/32
  20. that combine is coming my way :P shame about the steering knob on the top \
  21. it does seem high for the model but its just down to costs for making the thing as detailed as poss i expect, shop around mate there will be cheaper ones out there,i'm sure
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