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Everything posted by batcher

  1. Now that looks good fun were do i sign up There was one at the lama show last week and it had a jockey wheel to support the wieght
  2. There is an intresting read in the october 2007 profi mag about bale size and shape dilemma and the way farming is changing about these parts ( should point out he's my boss) If anyone would like to scan it up or i might be able to at the weekend if anyone is intrested
  3. batcher

    loading hay

    Yes she has air brakes but she hasen't been to much trouble really silly things like hyd fittings the main problems with the xtx200 on her fourth speed sensor it locks the gears in a low gear but talking to a rep at lama he said it was the heat that knocks the sensors out and they are the fourth different colored sensor that should take more heat so keeping our fingers crossed the xtx200 has no air brakes
  4. You had already said what listers you were at
  5. batcher

    loading hay

    Quite a bit I would think you have the pic's by now how about the pic of your dad havin a nap at teatime when he was rakin seein as it was him that gave you the pic
  6. batcher

    loading hay

    So did i he had done three cds but not so sure how to post them up but not aloud to post up the ones with him up to his knees in water
  7. batcher

    loading hay

    Only at the bottom xtx185
  8. batcher

    loading hay

    All pics taken by greensthewayforward who has aked me to post them on here for him hopefully he will say a few words about them ? Helping kiwinz dad find the hay loading there are a lot more but photobucket is playin around so will post more tomorrow
  9. Yes it's the falcon 5.5 with the suspesion on the mxu it's as smooth as a millpond until the sensor plays around then hang on for your life What's the point in having 50k if you don't use it
  10. We had a red one from new on the farm it used to do all the grass silage and maze clamps lagoon and when pushed pull the grain trailers 8 tonners Yes you had to clean the rad 2 times aday she was 3 years on the farm before it sold up no major promlems with her just the lever cables used to need replacing every year after harvest then at the farm sale a local contractor brought her with about 2500 hrs (now my boss) when he replaced her about 4 years later and 5/600 hrs all he had replaced was the torque converter due to the many miles she used to do the engine was never touched ford 6610
  11. Chatting to a chap that used to sell them around here many moons ago yesterday .He said the first ones had a ih skid unit in them when they were only 2 wheel drive but he no's of one that is 4wd possable the only one ?. And then went on to say that someone from poland had written a letter inquiring about parts for one it still had the dealers name and adress on her
  12. Useing a sheet is easy to put on and take off for sevicing and no scratches and as for a bit of dirt it protects the paint underneath (that's my motto)
  13. Going up wed morning stopping the night and another walk around thurs and then home 5 of us are going so it should be a good larf Last show i went too was smithfield 2 years before it shut
  14. Edd was 2006 2007 he was driving the xtx185 and class 2100
  15. Here you are then all nice and clean when i had a few hours on her way back Glad to see you are getting the hours in
  16. Thats the one but i cannot see the wear plates on the cab to stop the boom hitting the windows that was the best laugh i ever had when the cowman was loading the muck spreader out of the lagoon one day the boom went over and bang went the window his face went very pale But he was using the grain bucket
  17. Never thought someone would do the old teletubby well that's what we called ours What colour will they be green,red,matbro yellow ? we had the red one ford engine i think i was part of the roadless group in the beginnig and then ended up with matbro which dident last very long (from what i can remember) there all still a few green ones around these parts
  18. Thank you for another great intresting piece of reading and information .Brings back memorys of grain cart from 15 years ago think it was a 760 but the mind is not as sharpe nowdays.The only problem that i remember with her (please no slagging off mf now) is you had to keep an eye on the engine compartment it used to build up with dust and straw and start smokin 2 times in the first season and that was cleaning her 4 times a day but she was a good relable machine thanks steve
  19. And if it was the 2007 season post up some of your pics GREENSTHEWAYFORWARDS please
  20. When it starts getting soft underfoot and you are travelling at speeds of 15k plus theres not really much you can do when following rows apart from going with the flow and with the bailer as heavy as they are and the chamber full as well
  21. Which season 2006 by any chance ?
  22. Hang on a minute there you forgot to say that most of your land was under a few feet of water a month before so i think any tractor pulling a class 2200 would have had the same trouble And if you join us this time you can be my r wrapper ***** ps edd could you post up the pics of the xtx 185 up to the axles in the water at above farm please
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