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new holland driver

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Everything posted by new holland driver

  1. looks good i am at colage tomrrow so might get so pics of the mf and zetors there
  2. my moped can do 55mph down hil and 50 up hillgive it to me i would fix stop that smokeing all right there may be more to start with and the orange flames are notinging to worie about might see the fight fire women AGAIN
  3. the girls like big men with ruth hair chest my ex liked it an way ruth that is :D :D
  4. it would soon look dirty if you took it into the feild
  5. the pics are in pics from norfolk by tm might find the link or i can email them to you
  6. looking good to me have you seen the pics of my one at work the only thing every one missout and real gets me is there is a grill on the top of the bonnet before the marker o and the cab leans back a little futher
  7. all the fert bags we have at work are 600kg and there is 1000kg in a ton so going by my mths you have 6 ton on there
  8. Landini mccormick cough cough I need to get some cough sweets
  9. Looking good cant wait till I get mine may to get antor as I can see this one benig on the stock side a lot
  10. ??Help my coumpter wont let me wright any thing having to copy and paste from word
  11. i am jelus i whant a merlo well mine should be here tomorrow
  12. we will have finshed all are spring drill other than peas beet and mazie strips tomorrrow
  13. thanks i have more if will send to tm got some of us topdriesing at work today
  14. well i cant call him a little *****
  15. it was aimed at mf fan i mean when i see whites 8520 on the over side of the heagh at cawston and get a pic a say i went home how the hell am i meant to no if he went on much longer than me i mean i no i have a good site and but i can see 10 miles away
  16. this about an mtx 155 i sore it was some sort of anervasrey i cant spell
  17. mc made some in blue as some sort of anversarey can i rember seeing it in a mag 6 months or so ago the they made for landi are a mix of the 2 companys a dont look anything like a mc
  18. my dad has 2 snow phoughs but hasnt hate to have them out so far this year i ahve one at work which goes on my 8360 or tm what ever is free at r=the time
  19. ant youn top dressing yet i am like mad at the mo mught get some pics later
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