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new holland driver

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Everything posted by new holland driver

  1. i count read a word of that at the buttom
  2. i had to go for the mccormick and the mf 1st the mf as we sound be seeing one of this turn up at ares frist thing and they look to be a good well builtr tractor and most drivers i no would prefur a massey once driven them the mccormick just becuse i love all mccromicks and i dont no of many breking down what i would never go for is a jd or a cclass renualt jd so many of them around these parts a breaking down people are givenig them a way and you dont trade a new jd for a new landdini do you class ren after all the probs we have had with ares i would never ever think of going with them and last but not least j.d are crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i woudnt have put that on here as ncc will be printing it of so he can have a wet dream so to speak
  4. i reckon you should post it frist class for about 3 pounds and bubble wrap it
  5. i no what you mine i what i what one what i what i what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  6. in rela life the front roller should be about 3m and the 2 out ones should be about 1.5 m so when you swap them over the should run be hind the front perfect it looks to me like the man who made this made it not to scale
  7. no silly you un coulpe both right then you drive forwrad and back so the left hand side one is lined up with the right hand side hole got it so far then you drive around in a big fig of 8 so the that the last roler is in the last hole basci ly yo make them go from pointing out for to pointing in forward if you under stand
  8. we have a real set like this on my dads farm i use to run them all the time we had a cambrige rol set a a sutton ring press set both off set like this they towwed a staght as a die ?well only if the driver was straht any way when you tow them down the road you swap the 2 litle side so the left had side one is on the right and the right hand side one is on the left if you get what i mine nastey thing on the road could nt back up and made a nastey mess of the tar mack which the police werent verey happey about when i took them thougfht the local maket town caused haveick
  9. i at the mo i am thinking etehter massey or fendt
  10. there ant no nh that would take over all them rolls i am thinking of going massey
  11. i wouldnt go back i am now looking at repaceing my hole jd fleeton my model farm i am loking for something tto take over my 6920s my 5820 and my 5610 any help needs to one make
  12. from what i have drove and heard about hear the drees are more trouble than they are woth you dont getb 5 diffrent pepole trading in al 20 series jd fora landi for nothing
  13. my 8360 looks a bite like that no air filter on the side like that is that an yankey one becuse the britsh ones dont have the lihts on the side like that and my 8360 has a job to pull a vibro flex half that size
  14. it looks like something that fp has been at whith his recking ball
  15. in my opiinon god bye and good rideuness
  16. hi gavin at work we have a lot of the smae rigs as you 8560 on 4m cult drill is yours a ancord and we have the same phoulgh rig as that 836 6 furrow lemken is yours a europal and have you had any big probs with yours as we have had meanger probs with or 03 plate one
  17. i have one very good detail i had to take the stand wheel of though it towed all funny with it on the top dose come off all in all i would say its a good buy
  18. these un skilled drives should never bee a loud to drive on a farm runing into shed inded
  19. still on a farm like are s you can have a man on the bin all the time plus we have only got 2 trailers and we stuggle to keep up with the copmbine even then so let alone haveing one stoped at the pit for 20 mins would be a night mare
  20. no look at it this way would you peffer opion one puting it in silos which are a pain to clean and need a lot of men to run ie you have to have danguis anges sweeping in confide space and takeing a long time to unload to men where it would take one or opition two easy tiping to so cofinde space less danguos for the men ie less papaer work onthe healh and satey side not much time men hanging around waiting to unload they are tiped and gone in minuties un so long loading lorris easy to contol temp not so inbins a bite more paper work in the winter all so you can use this space when empty to store machrie etc i could go on thees a lot ?more pros for the shed over the bin the bins are old and out date ted now mjb1 we dont add this stuff youre on about i dont even no what it is never seen it
  21. we dont have none of this bin crap we just tip on the floor a push it up with the tel porter the farm next door has a big blade they use
  22. i would keep my back to the wall if i was you mjb1 you no what he is like after what i heard or he was telling me about the cocker spanle
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