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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Well got ready for school reliased the dog had got stuck between too garages which is full of bushes, wedged right in the middle. So spent half an hour cutting him out with the hedgtrimmer. So then got to school later and cut to shreds and reliased i left my tie in my Dads van, but had PE first so would get changed then go and borrow another tie from the office... Who did i walk into but the head? Who smashed me for not having a tie and then was not amused when he looked at my hair and said what is this? I replied that would be my hair sir, and he demanded i get my highlights cut out by Monday And i have to check into him everyhour of next week to make sure my ties done >
  2. Excellent detailed pictures Gav some crackers in there, love the trailers are they common? When will we see one from 1-32 implements Along with the beet drill :D
  3. By 2080 should only be around 1 to 2ft but if the whole polar regions melt it will be about 7ft :o I recomend some more flip flops I'll be down like a shot .. if Hastings isn't underwater to [
  4. At school all day studying the effect of water levels flooding the fens by 2080 if the polar ice caps melt \ So been at school working and then straight after i represented the school yr 10 team against our arch nemesis' Dartford grammar. First minute there biggest, toughest player was covered in blood with a broken nose and one of our players was taken to hopistal with severe concussion \ \ But we lost unfortunaetly but a awesome game
  5. Him at work with the spearhead chopping down Kerdy Kale
  6. Thanks guys very interesting feedback, The driver i must add is extremely experienced, he's used to using the topper a big spearhead so im not sure why he didn't do that but hes a good driver They have got at the farm a Kuhn shredder and a spearhead topper, just didn't use them \ The crop is herbs, which one im not sure. They've hac coriander and parsley in that field already i believe just couldn't figure this one \
  7. Saw this out and about today, didn't know how they got round to chopping down the herbs to start a new crop, assumed they disced it all. But here we go a John Deere 6220 and a bomford hedgetrimmer. Smelt dodgy down there Can anyone tell me if this is the correct way or what do you have to do? Thanks
  8. Awesome to me Gav, really like it. Not sure health and safety would approve of that bale stack in the last picture :D
  9. Nice pictures mate, saw one in Wales there lovely beasts. How many were made in this colour scheme do you know?
  10. Excellent pictures mate, love the kit .. especially that 6900, have a real soft spot for them Thanks for sharing
  11. Been playing rugby for the school team again today, we absoelutly trashed the other team completely outclassed them but still lost due to one strong runner on the wing > Then just climbing in some salad harvesters and McCormick CX105's And tomorrow i start training for my club again
  12. I think it's for brushing muck off the cows Mark as they walk by it kind of brushes the side of them. I may well be wrong though. Looks like a modern unit they have there, some nice kit too \ Thanks for posting Bas
  13. farmernick06

    Mf 399

    Very nice pictures my friend, i see Marky has already tempted to tap you up. Have a lovely stay on here matey, excellent posts and quality pictures.
  14. Forgot to say will need something small as im only a small fella And will there be a kids competition this year Andy? Maybe on John Deeres this year :
  15. Sounds excellent Andy, really looking forward to it.
  16. Wow that looks awesome Nick well done mate, love the very green selection in machinery ;)
  17. Im in love Johny, thats simply superb matey. I like that alot!
  18. Ellaborate Mandy im intrigued \ [ And for me started my year 10 life, new forms new teachers \ Been an alright start although we were caught logged onto the schools cctv again \
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