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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. Very nice pictures looks like a great show, that Claas scorpion is a beauty :o
  2. Yeah the problem is i think this farm is quite salad orientated with all the packers in the yard and they only have a few combined crops so using up the trailers really, did the job at the end of the day
  3. Thanks very much mate and aww poor foxes, think unfortunaetly one in pure terror of the combine ran straight in the main road... saw a fox on the side of the road yesterday Poor things
  4. Hoping UH could do that one :D It seems odd that they didn't do the 6930 to take over the 6920 really? Would be good from Siku anyway :)
  5. I've already got one! And for free! Oh ... it was the keyring [ Not collected any 1/16 yet, but will not miss this oppurtunity... really can't wait for it :)
  6. Thanks Mart, yeah she is quite a monster... i live quite a way from that field and could hear everything she was doing.... shes a lovely looking beast ;)
  7. Cheers Mart for cleaning that one up as well as Deerepower.... it's great to still see them. There still very common in the area and still a good worker .. i think they look so at home in the fields :)
  8. Thanks Ben, yeah come on supermart spill the beans I think they look good together Thanks Deerepower, yeah that'll do :D I should know .. but i don't \ \
  9. I've posted this so many times, but just incase anyones interested or doing a convo ... wink wink nudge nudge :)
  10. Thanks mate, is there any change of styling on the tractors or just decal colours etc?
  11. Spotted this another New Holland combine the other night, didn't get too close because i cycled about an hour to get here so didn't know the driver \ Have no clue on numbers was too far away .. enjoy the pics John Deere 6930 ( i presume ) coming with a trailer, think he just dropped a trailer off waited for it to be filled then took it back but there was two trailers so kind of shuttling them around.
  12. Thanks guys for the kind comments Appreciate it ... Sean: Um im not sure in all cases here, just happens the two examples i've seen have. The farm from these pictures aren't huge tractor wise with two Valtras and imagine with those small trailers the amount of carting.. only one Valtra was working i think \ But it's not uncommon to have trailers at the side of the field ... just doesn't look as good to me :) Tris: Thanks mate, yeah was quite lucky but had my head behind the camera and then just saw a family run out of the way and literally right past me so i snapped a few Ben: Yeah once again my pics ... really sorry I like them personally, it's a matter of taste and i think they look awesome Prefer a Lexion though :D Nashmach: Yeah probably, a shame really i like to see the unloading on the go
  13. Has anyone got any pictures of the new McCormicks ... haven't seen alot of this new look \ \
  14. I'll be having one of those .... in time Bit of work will hopefully having that looking perfect. Really want it but just wondering how it will compare with say a Valtra T or McCormick ZTX on my layout Still desperate for it ... hate the knob \
  15. :D What beast would do sucha thing [ And i'll look forward to it :-X
  16. I suppose putting the same picture twice was a technical error Ben? :D
  17. Ford 7710 with a New Holland header trailer ... thats it really, was on top form snapping wise
  18. Thanks very much Gav, yeah there quick but there was loads of them around so snapped a few Thanks mate :)
  19. Harvest time: The trailers being used The Valmet/Valtra coming to get a load
  20. Thanks Marky, i really liked the Masseys suprisingly ... i actually really like the new look \ And well shes a 420 but near enough and i didn't actually say that to the dealer [ Can't wait for that will be awesome ... also got the brochure so i'll study that Aww Mike don't be cruel to poor Fanny, did you go to the show? If so did you enjoy it?
  21. Well i've been looking forward to harvest with great anticipation all year and finally it's just starting with OSR. I went out this morning and was a bit disapointed because although there was a combine there was no driver .... but what a lovely machine this really is. Enjoy a few pictures of it stationery.... It's been working today and i've got loads of pictures but im just putting them on photobucket now Hope these keep your appetite And then went along a bit later to see if anything was happening and the header was on the trailer and the combine gone .....
  22. Thanks lads, the agriculture part of the show i think was gradually going down in the last couple of years but it's kind of making a comeback but isn't the main focus of the show. It's only a small part but there is soo much to see so yeah it's a great day out
  23. Livestock as promised only got cattle im afraid, never walked into the yfc tent with all the pigs and sheep and never stopped to watch the horses And lastly the three week and ten day old dexter calves Ant and Dek
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