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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. So you got 8k for her with all those oil leaks you told me about... There are some nutters over there
  2. Dont worry jez, come the 2nd april frankie is going to get platred in mud, im going to find as much as i can and coat her im it
  3. I recon drugs are easyer to come off also..... You dont see real ones and think thats nice, is it in model form....
  4. Im in for the full package Any one else plan on stoping at lord fergys on the way there ?
  5. Well people were asking numbers, this seams the easy way to get them, should make it easyer for who ever wants to sort out the tea....
  6. So is mavis light up front? might have to do some tests with the bazza weight when im over i recon
  7. Happy birthday pete, that pic you sent dont make you look 44.... Ill be buying you a coldy or 2 in spalding...
  8. Well said Plough matser, Just a shame it hits a brick wall around this place : This poor old horse gets flged to death each month.......
  9. Thanks for that ziko, looks like 43rd scale to me
  10. Dont shuco do resin models? Have never seen the Agrar-toy mb trac
  11. In regards to lifting the loader on the road, i nearly tipped my case over the other day going around a sharpish corner i went around the day before with the same tractor but no loader, i had the loader up with 2 spike bale forks on, not very heavy.... scared the crap out of me....
  12. Cheers mark, didnt think i was going mad yet... I recon ths mb trac will be a must buy for most people
  13. Im sure there was talk of agar toy also, i rember ther was 3 rumored to be made, siku, agartoy and sucho....
  14. Mr wise is good at emptying peoples wallets isnt he Freaking stunning model tho
  15. For numbers.... Can some od a poll. Going to spalding, Wanting to drink and eat at the pub.... Staying at travel lodge, fast easy simple numbers....
  16. RE the name badge, d idea simon, that deserives a gold star.... I shall be there with a JD cap, and Jd shirt with my name on the front and a deere printed on teh back, mrs will be the same
  17. And roving the paddocks with the hot new farm worker..... Or you keep that a secret ol?
  18. I hate the blooming things, you lose so much view when not using it, makes your tractor that much longer for pulling out at blind corners and the likes.... when i mow mine comes off, had a few fights with the bosses becouse they dont know how to put them on or off, i wont have them doing dirt work, would rather not have it on bailing but it does come in handy, the rake tractor needs a loader in my book becouse it loads the trucks..... But over all i hate them, tractors wernt built for them.... Im sure that tris,s 40 series front axle cant take 2.2t on its cappacity rating.... Thats how we break them so much, front axles arnt built for the down pressure a loader causes, front links ant so bad on axles..
  19. Looks good tris, cant wait to see it when im over You didnt get a text today did you
  20. Your thinking of Yeti, same guy you got your bucket set off
  21. Ohh the amount of times i have thourght of that, looks like a page a day..... How many days till spalding?
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