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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Thanks boys, i belive i am getting a factory tour of either Richard weston or Bunnings, cant rember I shall be haveing a good look around while im over your side Nick
  2. Ok guys looking at the idea of buying a spreader, around 12 ton cap, Only ones i have seen over here a Rolland, K Two duo, and a local built one, The k2 is the leader from what i have seen What are the rest like, What do you recomend? What hp do you need for your recomended spreader Cheers Nick
  3. What do you think of it grim? tryed one on demo, didnt like it at all
  4. I saw this model yesterday, its huge, only saw it in the box but its big, not my cupof tea but it looks like a BIG steep forward for britains/rc2
  5. You had better bring that to spalding also pete, i know a certian kiwi that would love that ...
  6. I cant get one through my fendt dealer, said there arnt any in stock any where :'(
  7. Looks stunning, cant wait to see 3 of my green babys lined up infront of that wonderfull shed
  8. Howd you enjoy looimg at Quality there mary, those 2 old girls will love longer than frankie, id put $$$ on it
  9. Option 4 looks like a real feed.....do they delivier to the pub next to the travel lodge
  10. This, well chuffed with it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=370164368208
  11. And for those of us that dint get the mag would you like to tell us .....
  12. Option 2 i recon, make sure they have enough grub for us... dont have to stumble to far for most of us
  13. What ever one some one will employ me to do If i was staying local it would be cereal, If i was moving some where else it would be root
  14. Are we any closer to knowing if we are having a big dinner and where it is ?
  15. That is how its looking isnt it gav, will be good to meet all of you there
  16. Your tare weight will never be the same twice mate, depends on how much fuel you have and all that sort of thing, how many jaffa cakes the driver had before hand
  17. Simon told me why he isnt going to come on the sat night, he wants to sniffel out all the bargins at 10am while the rest of us are hungover and dont have our sh!t together Cunning idea on his part but i dont drink
  18. That pile is just what we need for the ftf massey fun day, should have a comp with frankie and the loader, Speed loading of your tip trailer
  19. Are we going to have any table room for Petes cellphones to be displayed.....
  20. I cant wait, Got 3 models of mine going in the machinery dealer yard havent seen 2 of them yet Im realy gald im going to be there for the biggest ever spalding
  21. Holly mother of green Yes tris was right, i dont know how im going to pic my jaw up off the ground
  22. Thanks LeeRoebuck That helpd alot The plan is look at removing the blade, get her tidyed up straight, painted, and play around my farm with her and show her, might take her ploughing just Play match
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