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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. That d6c hasnt got the standard cab has it you have got me thinking here matey.....
  2. Ermmmm What is a Kiora? i know its maori for hello but im sure you blokes dont speek my countrys native lingo.....
  3. I love it mate, top job, how hard do you think it would be to build a cat bonnet and cab to fit on that chassis? That is a aussome convo tho
  4. Just use a naked flame of some sort, warm his bottom up and his legs will jently move, you need a glass of water to dip you fingers in so you can postinin him better without burning your finger tips
  5. Ks Metals make some spring type pipebenders, they work ok, bit hard to get off when you bend past 90deg http://www.ksmetals.com/accessories.html No pic... Just part # and description
  6. I have a song stuck in my head..... PAINT IT BLACK, think that could be how spalding will feel when we all hit town, Si will drink the pub dry, robo and kev will have there hands full with marky and barry, pete will be in a ball on the floor laughing so hard it hurts, ill be sitting there thinking Im finaly here but why.... And the mrs will be thinking, Why the did i say we can go to this place......
  7. I like your thinking tris, You sure you can reach all there mouths tho? The travel lodge ant going to know what hit them are they........
  8. Thats the awnser... They are ment to have but he has consumed it all on his self so he has to buy some more before they can leave :D
  9. Ok we are at the 10 page mark, its only the 9th jan, only 2 pages arnt dribble, What is the big FTF dinner going to be like, i recon we will be so busy talking dribble all night we will all miss the show ::)s
  10. Sorry but how trusting is your wife... Even i know sending you to a model show is Very VERY costly, i saw your zowle pics.....
  11. Thanks mate Its nearly the end of my day mate, kinda freaky we are both the same age tho
  12. good thing is it didnt take me 2much arm twisting to talk pete into it
  13. Looking good Pete buddy, might have to send some pics of my 2140...... you could bring it 2 spalding... Im going But Ol is staying in NZ,
  14. I cant wait, going to be good meeting all the other international guys also.... Yes tris your farm has to come
  15. Hay, Hay and more hay..... got 300ha left to do, 140 before the 20th jan.....
  16. Nice pics rich, Those Hyuindi 5.5 are a sweet drive ehh, i miss the 1 i drove
  17. Wow that 8230 looks aussome with the fat boots on her, so been 8530+ hp shes over 340hp then? that front weight looks neat, whats her main job?
  18. Holderness Tractor repairs, Hull tractor services?? Mikes tractor sales and repairs? simple but realistic....
  19. Any pics of it buddy? could you use the siku halfpipe for a base model?
  20. I have 60ish 32 scale tractors alone, around the same for implaments, then i have around 100 64th and 87th scalce tractors and implaments, got 6 or 7 16th scale models
  21. Your just bonkers or had one drink two many si...... I think you might be thinking of the October topic
  22. Uh have just anouced the new GB dicso press and the vadastad carrier, those 2 alone beat the disapointment of a catros,Sure uh dont do butterflys, but i recon they will, they have the stunning front mower, the have the parts from the big claas (cant rember its name) good things come to those who wait.... Siku in my eyes is better, you can touch it, i have both, uh are shelf models, siku get some hours.
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