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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. Going to try drain the oil first, its almost as thick as tar, The exhuast manifold is smashed, some thing has hit the exhuast and snaped it of on the top of the manifold, i recon shes reasonbly complete, prob had a branch or somthing shoved through the grill into the radiator ata guess, plan on making the pannels my self, easy enough simple shape, no side curves or any thing stupid Maniflod and tacho are the first 2 bits to buy if she runs
  2. Well here are some pics Can any one date her and confirm the model number from what you can read here She ant no oil painting but she dont look to hard at the moment, still have to check it starts...
  3. : Jammy and dodger could be the next words..... Shes the petrol version I was told the very rearly come up for sale over here and there arnt many living ones here now What would you expect to pay for one in Uk? roughly
  4. Wrong time right place she was offers over 1200nzd, cheap enough to me, mrs ant saying the same.....
  5. Here is a pic of the Desiel version, mine looks the same, just red, has the same balde even
  6. Main reason two reasons are, Grass needs some wilting time, eg, mowed at 10am, choped at 3pm , The other reason is , cerial paddocks are normaly cleaner, haveing been worked up they tend not to have bumps and rocks Hope thats some help to you
  7. Tryed to order one through my fendt dealer today, sold out world wide apparently....
  8. yeah the crawler version, not sure on her year Around 1950 i think.... ill check when i see her next
  9. Went to the car wreckers toady to get a load of silage tyres, All loaded up and he showed me how many other tyres there were around the corner, and i spoted the old girl, he said shes to good to scrap but had been burried by cars for a year or so so hadnt had any look at it to buy it, had a quick look over it, saw it had a Mint track gear and undercarriage, offred him $1500 (roughly 500quid) and he said its mine If any one can help me with getting a Operators book let me know please, Should have some pics when i go back next week
  10. We are Just starting maize silage over here, 2 weeks should be in full swing
  11. You know that the waranty doesnt cover back windows eh, i got my a$$ kicked so hard by my 1st boss when i was driving around the yard with the window open.... never again, Mf have side windows Im looking at a 145 hp onethat open so you can hear what the tractor is doing, case dont have it tho :'(
  12. Fair enough mark, might have to look in to it when she is out of warranty, just depends how much down time you want realy .....
  13. One easy way to solve this mark, dont know why the dalers havent said it, Get a pto hydrolic pump kit made up, no strain on the hydo system of frankie at all, would mean you could use the baler (non movable) on mavis then if needs must
  14. you have hit the nail on the head, that is what it was, i wish i had my camera with me, on of them one that would make a cracking photo.
  15. Proberly a liebherr 954 demo version m8, beuatfull looking machines
  16. Tidy job gav, you take alot of pride in your work dont you. we bdrill our head lands 1st also makes it easyer
  17. nice ploughing there ricky. niced tractor also
  18. Shes happy...... For now..... Untill she sees what you are making me .......
  19. Shame frankie is showing her true colours now.... My mxu 110 gets hot in the back end doing road work.... none of our jds do tho, mate runs a rotec drain spinner on his jd and hasnt had a issue with it yet, done nearly 3000 hrs in the last 4 years.... that thingis heavy, he has replaced both rear outer axle seals, that will be the next thing to do on frankie you going to run a baler demo on the saturday buddy? id love to see it working.... Line up some work for the monday, ill come bale with you give lumpy the day off
  20. Me and the wife will pete, we get our car from luton air port on the friday then we will drive over to stansted pick you up then go see marky then go to spalding,
  21. Good topic simon, was thinking we need this sort of topic since i saw lukes post, I would offer but im going from luton to caimbridge on the sat morrning to mee the lord then going to head up to spaldingto stay the sat night so unless they are staying also i cant realy be of offer
  22. Oi you shut it..... Rember you still have to go over some VERY twisty hills with me in 2 weeks...... Im not that bad tris, wont be in the uk, wont know where im going
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