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Everything posted by smallclaas

  1. Thanks for posting the pics Mark, great to see all the layouts, love the Kidd kit nice Great to see Sean's MF line-up some fantastic detail.
  2. Looking good Tris, Sad now I did'nt make Toytrac oh well only 12 months to go
  3. Fantastic Pics Sean from Ash Tree Farm, I can almost feel the sunshine
  4. Some great kit there Jez, like the press, I really have got to get with the soldering work. I tried once but made a mess
  5. Great pics of your silage cuttin kit, like the layout you sure have a lot of space there to work with lovley stuff
  6. Tris that is one great looking building, I like the extra tiles left lying around bt the roofers the cro-bar and the box I wish I was going to Toytrac :'(
  7. Great looking layout Noel, pity I did'nt go to Comber, it would of been nice to see it in the light of day.
  8. Looking good Peter, same question as Noel, how did you get that shed? That is the pride and joy of Paul :o
  9. Nice pics Andy, like the pic of the Renault ploughing. Nice to see a good selection of Britains
  10. Nope no Toytrac for me this year, taking a break maybe next year
  11. That's a fantastic layout! I'll just repeat the last few comments, "it's a pity there is such few buildings available in 1/32. That Manor house looks great some nice detail in the stone work.
  12. Have'nt been around for a while Tris, have to say the detail your putting into that workshop is fantastic! Giving me the push to get back at a bit of modelling myself, great stuff yet again Tris.
  13. Nice pics Mark, great to see the updates, see you still have got some good aftergrass no frost yet?
  14. Great detail Tris, a few stains now around the place and your well underway
  15. Here's a few pics of our wee layout. Models in the pics are mainly Fred Mitchell, Martin "the trailer man", PDC, Brian Moynan and Steve Frater. This layout was put together by Mad for Machines, Derek Byers and Me.
  16. That's a great looking roof Tris, takes a long time for detail
  17. Sean, fantastic pictures, like the wheat field looks very realistic
  18. Fantastic looking layout loads of room for expansion
  19. I did Marcus I should be able to put something together for you
  20. Great pictures some great detail in every shot. This is a great way to display your collection very realistic and not over crowded
  21. Taking shape Marcus Did'nt know you knew Mr Reilly
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