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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. Not a serious fault but in U.H's school report it would have said 'could do better'. The fault? One back wheel on the 1:16 silver Fordson Major is loose, too much side-play, needs a new bearing!
  2. The set of bits/drivers that they do for cordless and other drills that come in a case are very good as they contain all manner of head types and sizes and you can use them in a hand screwdriver tool with a hexigon socket end.
  3. When contacting NZG/Conrad it is best to email their PR customer service woman, a very nice lady called Carmen Sippl, she is very helpful. Carmen.Sippl@conrad-modelle.de
  4. I am not farmiliar with the digital hour meters on tractors as I have only been used to the cable drive type. I know that on D.B tractors, 'cause I've farmed with them for ever, the clocked hours are proportional to the revs. Not all the models clocked a proportional hour at the same revs as the clock on the smaller models were calibrated different from the bigger ones. I do remember that the 9 series, 990 to 996 clocked an hour (real time) at 1412 revs. The only 2 things that would cause the hour meter to fail was, the cable breaking one end or the other, which was the more common, or the plastic primary gear cog on the didgit barrel loosing its teeth as it was driven through a brass worm drive and they are almost impossible to repair.
  5. Sorry for the misleading price quote, now corrected in previous post.
  6. The 'regular' 1:16 Ford 5000 is now advertised for ordering in the latest issue of 'Tractor' magazine. ?39.99 due in March. From Diecast Legends.
  7. Looked in on my local Same dealers today to pick up some David Brown plough shares and asked the storeman if Same do any 'official' model tractors, he said he would find out.
  8. Super6. Yes, I wondered what happened to the picture of the chicken house! Was sure I posted it up so I'm not going mad after all, I'll post it up again and hope it does'nt dissapear again. I would love to know if these old wooden buildings that are not marked were produced commercialy as there does seem to be quite a few around and they do come to light from time to time, someone will know something about them I'm sure.
  9. Bought from a nice lady who kindly offered it to me as I had previously purchased another old farm building from her on eBay a few months ago. This setup has obviously been professionaly made but I have'nt a clue to what make it is. Obviously old and pre-war I reckon. Have posed a few of the Britain's old lead items with it to give an idea of the scale, very compatable I wolud say. The paint is 'textured' and knobbly, the cottage walls are like they are rough-cast and the foof is textured as well, the back of it is open. The well handle winding mechanism works and the shed that the horse is poking out of has 2 stall divisions, probably more like cow-stalls than for horses. The pigs house roof, although looking white in the photo, is the same as the cow shed. All nailed together with panel pins, no glue.
  10. It was a 5 cylinder. Sorry, did'nt mention that Same and Fiat USED to belong to the same company.
  11. The majority of the Same and Fiat tractors from the mid 70's to mid 80's that were new around this area rusted out very quickly, freind of mine bought a Fiat 880 new in the early 80's and the panels were hanging within 2 years, he traded it in because of that, also the exhaust pipe rusted out within 6 months. Same and Fiat belong to the same parent company. I was told that the panels rusted out very quickly because of the poor quality of steel that Italy was importing, something to do with their poor economy that resulted from the last World War as it left the country more or less in a 'third world' state.
  12. Extremely hard to find any older Samies (Same pronounced 'Sammy') in good order tin-work wise, suffered the same rust problem as the Fiats, rotted out after about 6 years from new, their cars suffered the problem as well, that's the trouble when you use recycled pet food cans and baked bean tins to make panels!
  13. Forgot to say in earlier post that the Claas Xerion 3800 is here as well. Thanks Marky for the info on the Major exhaust being seperate in the bag, thought it was from your pics. Was a little worried at first knowing what some of the blue ones were like, as said before.
  14. Looks like the pin (or is it a threaded + head little bolt) is missing, if you just took it out the box it may be floating around inside somewhere or jammed up in the model itself, worth a search. I've had UH models like that and found the bit(s) floating around.
  15. Is the exhaust pipe seperate Marky? as the blue ones were fixed (and some broken off)
  16. I have been informed that the 1:16 silver Fordson Major is now here. Although not individually numbered, they do come with a certificate. However, some of the certificates relate to the Doe 5000 and NOT the Major. One thing to look out for when you inspect the model. Some more different 1:43 UH models are here as well.
  17. Over the couple of past years I have asked in toy shops that I have been in if they have the 'current' Britain's catalogue and only one around here has them on a regular basis, all the others say that they are only issued one 'trade' catalogue for themselves and are not given 'public' catalogues. Does this mean to say that Britain's are doing the same with their catalogues as they are with their farm toys, cutting down? \
  18. I can get the same model, 'boxed', ?14.99 + ?4 P&P. Wait untill they come in the 'country' perspex box and buy them for around ?12.
  19. How about this for absolute madness! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1949-FIELD-MARSHALL-TRACTOR-Series-3-in-Green-NEW-BOXED_W0QQitemZ130195547183QQihZ003QQcategoryZ91592QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Take a look at your DVD player/recorder Jack. If it does take region 2 you will be ok. If it takes region 1 and 2 even better, it should be marked (usually will say 'multi-region' if it does, you will find the information in the machines user handbook). A lot of earlier players will only take region 2 as this is the recognised system. I believe that most of the 'pirated' DVD's are recorded on region 1 so a lot of recorders were only made to play region 2 to try and eliminate the production and use of pirate DVD's. Region 2 - Europe and North America. Region 1 - Asia.
  21. I have done this 'repair' on others by drilling a hole down through the casting where the pin has broken off from and glued in a wooden dowel the original size and the original length, then the bonnet will push-fit back on, you may however have a bit of difficulty removing the broken bit of stud from the bonnet but you may be lucky enough to drill it out without damaging the plastic, or drill the bit in the bonnet with a smaller drill and screw in part way a self-tapping screw enough to give hold on the metal bit and pull it out, with the metal bit, with a pair of pliers.
  22. Here are a couple of buildings that I bought at the little local toy fair yesterday. The first one is very interesting. It is a 'production' building but I'm not certain what make it is, it may be by Hugar as there is a serial number on the base, you might not be able to make it out too well by the pic but it is 15110-E. There is a feeding trough in the front and you can see by the pictures that there is a side door and an opening flap on the back to put the pigs in. Notice the hinges and the catch on the back. Oh, it's a pigsty and made of wood. A little larger I would say than 1:32. Second building, well, speaks for itself really, a chicken house.. American influence I reckon with the 'rooster' loft. I've put a lead chicken on it to give you an idea of the scale. Made of wood, no clues as to the maker.
  23. It's not that rusty, the paint has sort of round patches of rust like where it has bubbled as if in contact with salt water and the rust patches are a bit pitted but overall, the condition is pretty good. Douglas stopped using David Brown skid units in 1974. Exeter airport had a fleet of cabbed ones back in the 1970's, all yellow and shiny, 995 and 1210 based. Freind of mine that works there and is in to tractors had the last one they had there, brought back to Exeter from Jersey as it was painted white with 'Jersey European' decaling on the cab doors. The airport got rid because some numpty tried to ******-pull an aircraft with it and smashed up the diff, all put right now.
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