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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. I have been told that there will be a lot more traders there than were at Farmer Giles' as being a new venue and nearer to the motorway 'network' also having had wider advertizing there are more that are going to 'give it a go'. We will just have to be hopefull and wait and see.
  2. The last time I had a Siku rear linkage was at the last Toytrac for ?1. Think I will buy a dozen this time. As for the 7600, well, what can you say. A fool and their money are soon parted.
  3. I guess that you have been watching the 'Who do yo think you are' programme on BBC1 tonight with Graham Norton searching his family tree. Could'nt concentrate on it myself too much as I had a couple of mates turn up but I believe there is still a substantial estate over there and also in the UK belonging to their decendants. Graham Nortons forebears rented some of the land on this estate back in the early 1800's. Look at the TV listings as I think the programme is repeated on BBC2 sometime.
  4. This Fergie 'Estate' T20 is a cracking model, all due credit to the instigator of the model and to the manufacturer for the hard work and attention to the detail. As has been said in a previous topic of discussion that included some comment on it there have been some questions as to the 'uncertainty' of some aspects surrounding it. Firstly, how many were actually produced? Answer, 975. Secondly, Are they all individually numbered. Answer, no. They are all supposed to be individually numbered under the gearbox but some are blank. The ones that are blank are supposed to come with a paper 'certificate' with the details of the model and a unit number. The ones that have been supplied to some dealers that I know have been sent to them in boxes of 6 and a corresponding number of these certificates supplied in a seperate envelope. This has meant that the dealers have had to open up every model and check as to wheather or not the individual models are numbered underneath. If not, then a paper certificate has had to been inserted in the box with the model. This may have been an oversight by the manufacturer but the dealers and customers alike are not particularly happy with this arrangement. The third and final question was that of the price. The importers, Creative Masters, were initially advertising them upon release for ?49.99p plus post and packing or ?62 I believe if you wanted to have a perspex display case with it. At this present time I know that they are available, while stocks last, from certain model dealers for ?45 plus the postage. I would suggest to anyone looking to obtain one that you would be advised to ask the seller to check that the model is either numbered underneath or that there is a 'certificate' included in the box.
  5. Trouble with this sat-nav thing, it tends to take you a longer way sometimes as they don't have the smaller roads mapped. Very easy to find really, Turn off 303 signed to Wincanton and follow racecourse signs but the 'Toytrac signs will be up from the 303 anyway. Darn site easier than trying to find Farmer Giles' for the first time, at least I will be able to leave the map at home this time.
  6. What I really meant was if there was a map included on the page that people could print off, would save those that were not too sure carrying a road map with them.
  7. Excellent information, could be helpful if there was a map of the area from the junctions coming of the main routes.
  8. We could do with that patern down here then the numpty conservationists would 'watch' them instead of those filthy disease ridden things called badgers.
  9. Any body want one of these models? I know where I can get several.
  10. Was talking with a freind the other day that I have known for about 30 years and we were talking on the subject of models. He collects American classic car models, which I never knew he did. on the subject of tractors, and me having David Brown as my main interest, he told me that he had an uncle that worked in the David Brown factory, now that was pleasing to know.
  11. Be good practice if anyone wants a job at Britain's, or the others, puting tractors and stuff in the boxes.
  12. Go to their web site, www.norscot.de and send them an email, they might send you a new one.
  13. Don't have the later black forager but I should imagine that the 'silage' may have been deleted as at the time this one came out all the models seemed to be going 'down-hill' a bit in quality but I'm sure that others on here that have the same period model will inform us if the 'silage' bit is on theirs.
  14. Reminds me of a mate that was getting married a few years ago. On his wedding day, his best man said to him, "You going to be a man and 'ave 'er tonight, or a mouse and 'ave 'er tomorrow night?" "No" he said, "I was a rat and 'ad 'er lastnight"
  15. No Marky, never had a Rolex, not even a fake one. I mostly rely on Tim-time but the sun was not out today so it has been mostly guess-work. My stomach usually lets me know when it's grub time, thats the most inportant time.
  16. Hav'nt posted much in this topic before as I am sooooo cool that there is not much that does really annoy me but today I must make the exception. Went down to the local garage 2 miles away to pick up the Land Rover Disco after having a few repairs carried out. They put it on their parking bit right on the main road last evening and did not lock it up properly. Sometime overnight lastnight some light fingered little sh*t, sorry, person got in it and emptied the contents of the cubby box, not that there was anything of great value in it, the most valuable, in replacement terms were 8 CD's. Anyway, the garage owner said that if I gave him a list of what was taken together with the cost of replacement, he would sort it out for me. It's going to cost him nearly as much as the bill for repairs. I just hope he's insured.
  17. We have been doing a 'tractor balancing' game here locally this year at the shows and rallies, that's great fun. Drive a tractor up on a pivoting platform and see if you can balance it level.
  18. Brown plastercine or playdough perhaps? Or how about that browny coloured plaster stuff you can get that you make fake dog turd out of?
  19. Apollogies Mr. Marky. Looks exactly like the Schuco ones, learning all the time.
  20. These 1:43 models are fantastic in detail, you have to look at them through a magnifying glass to really appreciate the detail. There are about 36 in the range at present but still on-going, came with the magazine in the French 'Hachette' series for 11 euro's 95. On Ebay they will go for anything from ?14.99 complete and 'boxed' up to ?35 for just the models but can be found 'boxed' without the mag for around ?17 to ?19 at toy fairs. I will try and find an Ebay link for a chap in France that also has a shop in the UK that sels them on 'buy it now' price. There are a lot listed from a chap in China that are 'loose', he must work in the factory and sneak them out to sell. The keyring tractors are also available from Bruder. Mandy will probably tell you more about these, I have one by Bruder, a Renault Atles 936 RZ, price was ?2.50. Heres a couple of links. http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?sofocus=bs&sbrftog=1&from=R10&_trksid=m37&satitle=TRACTeur+1%2F43&sacat=-1%26catref%3DC6&a39=-24&a6=-24&a56=-24&a25260=-24&a10244=-24&alist=a39%2Ca6%2Ca25262%2Ca56%2Ca25260%2Ca10244%2Ca3801&pfmode=1&reqtype=1&gcs=1380&pfid=3030&pf_query=TRACTeur+1%2F43&floc=1&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=EX6.+7LW&sabfmts=1&saobfmts=insif&ga10244=10425&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?sofocus=bs&sbrftog=1&from=R10&_trksid=m37&satitle=tractor+1%2F43&sacat=-1%26catref%3DC6&a39=-24&a6=-24&a56=-24&a25260=-24&a10244=-24&alist=a39%2Ca6%2Ca25262%2Ca56%2Ca25260%2Ca10244%2Ca3801&pfmode=1&reqtype=1&gcs=1380&pfid=3030&pf_query=tractor+1%2F43&floc=1&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D3&sadis=200&fpos=EX6.+7LW&sabfmts=1&saobfmts=insif&ga10244=10425&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search
  21. Marky. The little Fergie 20 pic you posted up is made by Schuco from their 'Piccalo' series and the scale is 1:90. They came in a picture box and an outer clear thick plastic cellophane 'box' that was double the height of the card box so you could display the tractors on top the card one all contained in the plastic one.
  22. Went down to the tractor graveyard at Ron Greets' this morning with a mate to try and find some steering components for his D.B. 995. Spent 3 hours looking over the tractors but to no avail, did'nt find anything. They don't seem to have anything of much use down there, most of the tractors seem to have been robbed out before they get them in nowadays and what is there is much the same stuff they have had for years, seems to me they need a good clearout, they have more stuff in their magazine adverts than is actually in the yard. The only 'new' stuff they have since the last time I was there are several bigger blue Leyland tractors but by the look of them they have been worn out for years, may have come from one place.
  23. See, back in the days of steam you would never get anything stuck doing ploughing or heavy cultivation with the ploughing engines and a horse had more brains than most tractor drivers today as they sensed the boggy bits and would stop.
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