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Everything posted by rabh7840

  1. nice a couple of mm off the front would help i think
  2. uh is gonna put me bankrupt :'( :'( love that 5000
  3. o i kno all bout megaws nice outfit also just bebo or nowhere has pics of o'hares!!!! :'(
  4. great cabinet what a collection of fordsons you have ;)love it
  5. i no longer have a digital camera :'( my dad was messing around with it on xmas day and managed to break the dam thingi got it chaep from china as its a 7 megapixel but theres no waranty :'( :'( :'(
  6. ive been lookin everywhere for pics of them but have had no luck :'( :'(
  7. you must be cuttin while light crops then just kep piling up on the top o er
  8. science ha ha! boring! :'(
  9. na thats anotha one ha ha! weve 3 o them!!!
  10. we spent 5 grand doin er up shes no scrapin now!!ill post up a pic later ;)fresian bulls are bad *******
  11. that the way they should be but clean and tidy
  12. weve 130 and we work with a ts110,7840 and ts100 and loader and they arnt as tidy as them mccormicks there wile clean ha ha! tryin to get my dad roped in to buyin a tsa or tm but its not happenin :'(
  13. what does he farm sulcker cows???
  14. like it alot more detailed that the britains, one anyone know any details of the release?
  15. you'll burst them walls ha ha!
  16. o ryt ryt mines a 50 if u think that scraper tractors rough you should have seen our ford 3000 it did 4 sheds twice s day for 25 years and one time the bull took a dislike to the bonnet and nose cone which didnt help ha ha! :'(
  17. oh ryt ryt i like the look of that 1 in your profile pic
  18. them pma linkages help tractors ;)pity there so dear :'(
  19. helped it you could say im fussy ha ha! but should the sticker on the model not have mx170 point next the front
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