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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. PS if someone does do conversions could they make a 5610 with an AP cab ;D
  2. 4600 is a 3 cylinder and would take a lot of cutting to shorten it Wouldn't mind in the future a 2000,3000 or 4000 ford being released as I can't remember britains doing one
  3. Typical of what the police are doing (NOTHING) http://www.fwi.co.uk/Articles/2007/06/14/104351/illegal-immigrant-from-afghanistan-found-hiding-at-cereals.html
  4. I shall be there on the monday Only because it doesn't cost me nothing Shall have to see how the new organisers of the show do as they want to get it back to a farm related event as they know that it will not be long till it just becomes a farce in the industry
  5. Now that is dedication to the cause Mind you nothing they plant ever seems to grow VERY IMPRESSIVE INDEED
  6. Great to see a new kid on the block Welcome to the realms of the real toy farmer and not a shelf stacker As i've allways said Play with them don't just look at them Comeing along very well welcome to the building crew Regards SMurF
  7. Being woken up by the missus asking me to put the bin bags out 6.45 on a saturday morning I don't do dairy hours anymore It's sleep time on a saturday morning
  8. No don't cash it in Just get the dealer box one aswell and leave it in the box and display the general release one In years to come they will command a premium
  9. Well go and do something constructive build something Or just go home and build something constructively
  10. Ever thought of useing plastic pipe the stuff that is ridged Put some dowell in the middle and their you have it Cheep and cheerfull Or get some plastic washers with 2 different outer sizes and the same inner hole and put them on a spindls \
  11. CONVOY ;D Well smart mate
  12. Depends on how strong you want it and how fragile it is You can use "superglue" Better off with an apoxy resin like liquid metal if you go the glue way or as said soft solder. Its advisable to tin up both sides before attatching together as you need less heat in the joint to stop distortion But evry one has their owm method and it all boils down to trial and error
  13. the 590 is the one to go for as it was and still is a strong little tractor But a shame that they have the garbage multi power How many people have had a brown trouser experience with it in low going down a hill \ \ And as for the 2000 series They are still a great tractor to drive Well my 2640 is Britains get it right with the front wheels of the model as they are the same size as the 135's rears in real life unlike the 5610 ford they made
  14. You got it as well have you The bloke on the farm next door has been ill all weekend \ \
  15. Used to be used for abidex application and prilled fert Whern't that good for compound fert Most large farms spray liquid fert these days so not much need for boom spreaders any more
  16. It's probably happened to most of you in the past but when you bid for something on ebay and loose by one bid then you get a second chance reply Now it may be all coshia but it sometimes seems a little strange that they come back straight away with the offer. do they try to bid the price up themselves or a mate only to find that it doesn't pay off and have to resort back to second chance offer \ \ \
  17. Rorravating the garden this morning And not doing much at all this afternoon My head hurts trying to remember it is only saturday
  18. I think that most of us on here would help out if we only knew what you are after \ \
  19. AH the good old bomford super trim Still use mine
  20. SMurF


    At 21 that autotronic is modern to the stuff i drive my 2640 is 23 years young and the paint can stay as it is
  21. Well now that he is famous can i have his autograph But I might of missed it \ Where was the mention of FTF :-X
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