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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. Don't care any more Givven up the will to believe in it \
  2. OF are you going to leave the roof able to open \ If not why bother with all the trusses and perlins \ But it does look damned good well done
  3. Never cut out or routered the windows out Just layed them on the outside with some black paint behind acetate and then framed over the top with thin poly sheet to emulate the frames
  4. Wouldn't bother with eather as they are getting too old as life expectancy for the electronics is dodgy and could start to get very expensive when the computers go bye bye Better off buying a 7810 and enjoying yourself
  5. I recognise that type of construction looking gooooooood remember some small corner fillets in the bottom corners Keep it up and show me up I look forwards to the finnished job Regards SMurF
  6. greetings and salutations newbie enjoy your experience with us we don't bite HARD anyway we're all pussycats realy bigt ones We are all here to make your experience a pleasurable one
  7. Got in before me but still not a bad guess
  8. I dod'tn think it has a new front axle It looks like it has got big front tyres put on \
  9. good job i didn't say anything first didn'd want to hurt your feelings ;D
  10. What are you one of them beach boys : ;D
  11. Looks very promiseing and it even seems to have a house on it but keep an eye on those cattle ih the shed with the feed barrier because they may realise there arn't any more walls in the shed ;) But seriousely it is takeing shap well will look forwards to future additions
  12. I know its not farm related but tried to get tickets for take thats concert in brum to no avail Had a look on ebay and the are asking 150 qid for a 25 quid seat right at the back I do like the boys but there is no way on this earth that i would pay that And how the hell did these sellers get so many tickets when 4 of us tried when they went on sale and got nowhere \
  13. Very nice little lot there But i'd get rid of the hounds as they aint no good the damned fox is hiding behind the fella in the middle ;D
  14. Now here's a good one on the imigrants/rabits theme I heard tonight that a lot of the day fishing places arround ar loseing stock due to the fact that the polish aledgedly poaching them at night because it is one of there types of food and allso peoples fish ponds are miraculuosely missing koi carp This country is slowly going towards a civil awakening and the government say we need these people No the government need these people We don't But there is no way the government will listen to us untill something realy bad happens And for saying this they class me as a racist I'm not I love my country due to its so called freedom of speech and expression and because i was born here so how is that racist DAMNED IF YOU DO DAMNED IF YOU DON'T And we then become the criminals Better stop there as big brother WILL be watching
  15. I've just givven up on the whole thing why bother with it if it is as small as last one when you can get far more info from the forum and classic tractor/tractor and machinary than you can on about 20 pages of F+S Used to be a good publication but if it carries on like the last edition it just aint worth the money
  16. I may of missed it but Marky is 40 this year (OLD GIT) But then again I aint that far behind 1969 The moon landers where on their way back when i was dropped
  17. working or just for show iff working plastruct do some shrouds that will take grain of wheat bulbs which are available from dolls house suppliers don't know if this is of any use there are led's that are availeble from 3mm to 6mm in clear which make good light bulbs
  18. L.O. boring old me's going to chip in again! I expect you found the same as we did as children and teenagers; in the days when we were allowed to drink untreated milk on farms. When my sense of smell was really sharp, you could taste and smell the different diets the cows were on. Silage in particular, but the worst of all, and I expect Nigel Ford has experienced this too, is in spring and early summer when the cows have a liking for the leaves of the wild garlic plant which grows on the side of our streams in this part of the country. Made their breath smell too,-----Burp!!!!!!!
  19. 4 Inches today and its now starting to freeze Oh joyouse fun on the roads in the morning Now where is the biggest hill i can find to drive the landy up
  20. Going sideways playing with a landrover in the snow ;D ;D ;D DAMNED FINE FUN
  21. Don't worry the fox had it just as it was going dark
  22. May only be my oppinion but why don't the likes of BRITAINS/SIKU/UH aproach some of you converters/scratch builders to manufacture some of the great ideas you lot come up with. Give you a fee and acknowledgement of your creation and let others share in some of the great models that you make It may be a contentiouse issue when you have spent all that time on creating an exclusive implement for it to be mass produced but you make a model that you like for yourself and others yearn for such an item. Plus it could be a good earner for yourselves \ What do others think or am i just barking up the wrong tree ?
  23. Looks smart OF but make sure you dont trip over in the model room when the lights are out Regards SMurF
  24. My Trusty old LAVERDA 132 ;D ;D Because it keeps on going and its easy to drive/mend if anything does go wrong And i'd like to see a lexion still going after 30 years (wont last that long because it will have burnt out by then)
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