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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. never seen this one before http://www.scalefarm.com/_model-britains_britains_farm_toys_and_models.htm?redirected
  2. I do like the MF1505 and the FW 30 Nice to see some of the old timers making an appearence Now can we have some big old kit to go with them \
  3. Got mine and If I had to pay full price NO WAY Informative what is in it but not much of it considering the time it took to produce I do like the larger lettering though
  4. SMurF

    power harrow

    In the last 12 months we have scrapped 120 tonnes of stuff All down to the governments new regulations
  5. Mine did arive today so it seems a little sporadic when they are getting to evryone \
  6. Whats the north sea got to do with it I aint got mine yet either [ :'(
  7. just can't get my head round doing the shopping at th mo but will have to get a shift on its only 2 weeke away \
  8. Went to a sprayer day at our suppliers They had loads of BERTOUD models on display Only went for the NROSO points but it was quite interesting to see some of the stuff Especially the container washer which had a thing that resembled a rocket for collecting the washings God knows how much it cost but it seemed way over the top to me but hey we must keep brussels happy with all their new regulations \
  9. Can't remember off hand but i seem to remember that it is quite expensive But your models will be far superior in strength to plastruct It's Horses for corses SPEED=Plastruct STRENGTH=Brass But it is also a good idea to mix and match when Scratch building Super glue sticks them both too each other
  11. Relating too the real thing The corners need small plate fillets in so as a young beast wouldn't be able to hang itself Have spent many a time trying to get a panicking beasts head out And somehow they get em in easy enough but its damned hard to get em out
  12. Model train shops Usually stock brass sheet and tude Or any good model shop should have it
  13. And how may I ask is that poor old bugger going to get it's head through ;D Looks very realistic O F Floor feeding ir a front manger \
  14. Bit extreme An 18 volt dewalt ;D Looking good mate What did you use for the dividers \
  15. O F that door seems a little too tall Nees a gap top and bottom or else the cow sh1t will rot it out in no time
  16. They do a white pack in hobbycraft which wont take as much painting though it is a bit more expensive And it has lines on it almost like sheet joints bought some a time ago and never got the chance to use it yet And for the quantity we use there is no way I will get the EMA plastic due to the cost it incurs As many of us have found out when priceing up our barns(FB can vouch for that ) Still it looks great on your buildings O F Keep it up
  17. I'm just getting to the CAN'T BE ASSED stage with whether it arives or not to be honest When OLD POND gave it up they should have reimbursed us with the remainder of outstanding subscriptions and let us decide if we wanted to subscribe to the next generation of F+S And to be honest if we knew then what would be happening I bet that most of us would have said sod it Only My oppinion But I don't think I'm alone
  18. O F you using that craft corrugated paper that comes in multi packs for the roof \
  19. Did the equivelent sort of thing with my house Does that count F-P \
  20. Would they also come with a box of 1/32 head gaskets ;D ;D ;D
  21. Hells bells that barn has a maize header on it How many acres an hour will that do and does it self load as to cut out the middle man ;D ;D ;D
  22. Go on you know it makes sence ;)
  23. I think it is one hell of a model But Has anyone else had trouble attatcing it to some of theire tractors \
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