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Everything posted by SMurF

  1. Nice to see the ones i did today Had to go pretty quick due to getting home early Good day though little smurf had a great time too Got more stuff than me \
  2. Calm down deer it's only a Model tractor show ( In a Michael Winner Stylee)
  3. Just finalising the arrangements So should be there
  4. Well today I am going to go into the shed to have a bash at something About time too did a few hours last night Should be dry by now
  5. I'm on it At work Sorting out the timber for me shed Long time ago CV37 0PL
  6. Now that is a very nice diarama Lots of different things going on to keep the attention
  7. Speeking from experience with the 100 A 20 will struggle A 35 has difficulty but a 65 does the job Just make sure the wind is going front to back when spreading or else you become a smelly mess Been there got the T shirt but had to wash it after
  8. Got one coming from ron greets should be here monday Not cheep though and hard to find Very good to deal with
  9. tothink i've got a brand new one of them in a box not the origanal box as they from what i remember were sold loose \
  10. I've looked through all the literature and am i right in thinking that it is a silage only baller as there are no details on how to addjust for straw balling If so it would be one expensive bit of kit for a mixed farm? But saying that it does look a smart machine.
  11. Whats that meant to mean Good job its nowhere near to birmingham city then Well on the outskirts But I will admit that i try to stay well clear of brum itself as much as possible
  12. Theres a good chance that I'll be there Poor show on my behalf if i cant travell 15 miles
  13. Not a bad job that you have done there May I make a sugestion Call it a 5600 as the "4-6's" where 3 cylinders and not 4 so the bonets where a foot in real life shorter
  14. I wonder if the 956 will be a red and white or a red and black version as i see a realy nice one on the farm next door to me quite often and have yearned for a model of it's type
  15. These sort of things http://www.ema-models.co.uk/catalogue/0086-snap-on-tees.html http://www.ema-models.co.uk/catalogue/0083-degree-bends.html http://www.ema-models.co.uk/catalogue/0078-degree-small-bends.html http://www.ema-models.co.uk/products/00546-half-round-channel.html
  16. Thats the stuff used quite a few bends on me combine And so easy to use
  17. If you use the grey plastic half round from ema you can allso get down pipes and bends to suit as well
  18. Must get my rain making machine out of the attic so as you lot can come Don't want to be billy no mates on my own :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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