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Spalding tractor show Sunday April 5th


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Can do mate... why not hey.. all 3  ;D:D :D

Ooooh I'd like a shot of a decent MF  :D

Great... you can show me how to drive John  ;D:D :D

Check out Sir Lord Ferguson there offering rides around his country estate  :D :D :D :D :D

:D :D - Industrial estate Si... sorry to dissappoint  :-[ - or you can come and sit on my drive if you like...  :D :D
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You mean you dont really have a 200 acre estate?. YOOOUU lied  :D :D :D

Acctually no i think you said you had a 1.32 scale 200 acre estate.

Your fish pond is the 5 acre lake, uncut grass your shooting land  :D :D :D

Ill Get my Coat  :-[:D

200 square meters maybe adam, but more than enough room to have some fun on the ladys

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EVERYONE is welcome to a cuppa and a drive around the estate (with the expection of Barry)  ;D

Well that's nice  :'( :'( after all the support and encouragement I have given you over the past few years  :'( :'(

You overgrown baldy bignosed ....err wally  ;)

Just watch out for the re-imurging Evil Bazza to run you mf freaks down  :D :D

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