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Well yesterday afternoon coming home over the back roads from Westhill I spotted local farmer Peter Morrison out sowing with his conventional MF 500 4 meter seed drill pulled by his 6 month old NH 6050. I had to stop and have a walk up to see him as he was loading the seeder.

First the S reg NH digger loading the hopper with seed and fertilizer.



Next the C reg Ford 7610 pulling the Bailey trailer with seed and fertilizer


Now the MF500 & NH 6050


The complete set up


And the seed drill on it own


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Nice looking kit there Bill lots of gear working with the dry spell I would imagine. Will be a few more weeks before guys start looking at sowing up near us. Most are still ploughing/ muck spreading.

Well the rain is on here today Rob so that will stop the sowing for just now.

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Tidy photographs of some tidy equipment there Bill. Bubble cabbed 7610 looks very nice. :)

For it age David the 7610 looked in good order from the outside. The seat was a bit torn and the inside of the cab was a bit messy with straw and "dubs". I was kinda hoping that he may have asked me to move it along the road to the next field but no :( :(

He did offer me a "hurl" in the new NH but did say it was rather dusty and messy inside. Not much wonder I thought with the rear window open ;) ;)  I declined the offer saying that I had to get some photographs for the chaps on FTF ;) ;)

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He did offer me a "hurl" in the new NH but did say it was rather dusty and messy inside. Not much wonder I thought with the rear window open ;) ;)  I declined the offer saying that I had to get some photographs for the chaps on FTF ;) ;)

On a 58 plate there shouldn't be any dust in there  ;D  Nice pics though, Bill, takes me back a few years to our old 30.  :)

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Another set of great pics Bill........I've never seen so many Massey 500 drills in my life, this one plus the 5 or so that were at Thainstone the other week........ :o :o

Well he jokingly said that given the high price of scrap last year he though of scrapping it but he finds the one passes still a bit expensive for him Martin ;) ;)

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Now this is more my style  ;D

Great pictures Bill and the machines look very tidy too ;)

Yes they were tidy but the insides of the tractors were dusty Colm...even the new one must to my and JDC's disgust too ;) ;)

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Yes they were tidy but the insides of the tractors were dusty Colm...even the new one must to my and JDC's disgust too ;) ;)

You wouldn't want to see our 3600 then when we are finished sowing - currently the mudguards are black with waste oil to stop the fertiliser dust sticking to them ;)

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Very unusual to see older drills still being used.

Most up our way have upgraded to newer drills.

Several big accord rigs and Lemken gear as well.

Yes it is unusual to see such older drills being used Rob. Peter must be around 50 or early 50's but still uses some older tackle including an R reg Clayson combine which I did a post on last year. He basically works the farm himself now his father has retired so as you can see from the digger to the hopper to the drill machine he has sowing as a one man show down to a fine art. I was impressed with his set up and to see the older drill hitched to a modern tractor.

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You wouldn't want to see our 3600 then when we are finished sowing - currently the mudguards are black with waste oil to stop the fertiliser dust sticking to them ;)

Not a bad idea I suppose Colm. You need to post up photos to let us see your set up ??? ???

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