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Well that it from the Bonaccord Steam and Vintage Rally at Castle Fraser Castle near Kemnay Aberdeenshire for another year. A glourious weekend and hope myou enjoyed as much as I did despite not being an exhibitor this year ;) ;)

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Great set of pics as usual Bill, there are some fine exhibits there for sure. Your mates Foden tipper is a smart looking old truck, and the set up with the tidy 7740 pulling a Major and a County caught my eye.

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I thought you might like that load of Blues pulled by a blue Mark.

I was speaking to the chap as he was loading up and he is a "new kid on the block" as far as rallying goes. His son had been on a motorcycle holiday down south and seen the tidy 7740. It had low hours and only really has had a bonnet respray and minor paint work done to it. There is a small piece of the cab trim missing which they have not been able to obtain as yet.

The major is well restored and they are planning to do the same to the County next.

Yes my pals "Mickey Mouse" Foden is a nice one and one of the first ones with a tilting cab. It originally pulled a drag with a drot on it too. He likes his Fodens and you can tell because he tends to drive that one himself and not let anyone else...... maybe he is just scared someone breaks another gear stick due to not double declutching like the Leyland Comet on the recent road run ;) ;)

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Great set of photographs Bill, some really fantastic exhibits, especially the lovely set of blues at the end. Just been looking through some old photographs I took at Pickering Steam rally a few years back just a short walk from where I live and noticed i'd taken pictures of the Fowler steam engine - The Puddock equipped with rubber tyres, appears to be a baby compared some of the larger showman's engines it's stood alongside, for someone like myself who isn't quite as interested in steam engines as much as tractors it really caught my eye. :)

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Well David the Puddock belongs to the Barrack family of Aberdeen who have quite a few steam engines in their collection. It was originally a road roller and was converted to a showmans tractor by them around 1979 if I recall correctly. It is quite a useful traction engine for pulling out stuck ones with those large rubber wheels for traction. The name "Puddock" came from the Scottish translation of frog or toad since the engine tended to "jump" about like a "Puddock".

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Well David the Puddock belongs to the Barrack family of Aberdeen who have quite a few steam engines in their collection. It was originally a road roller and was converted to a showmans tractor by them around 1979 if I recall correctly. It is quite a useful traction engine for pulling out stuck ones with those large rubber wheels for traction. The name "Puddock" came from the Scottish translation of frog or toad since the engine tended to "jump" about like a "Puddock".

Thanks for the information Bill and satisfying my curiosity with such an interesting engine. Unless work gets in the way I should be heading down to my local steam rally for a least one out of the four days it runs to take photographs of the steamers and other machines on display. :)

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Thanks for the information Bill and satisfying my curiosity with such an interesting engine. Unless work gets in the way I should be heading down to my local steam rally for a least one out of the four days it runs to take photographs of the steamers and other machines on display. :)

No problem David. The Puddock is one of those one off type of conversions.

Looking forward to seeing photos from you of your forth coming rally ;) ;)

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Thank you for that Bill, those are pretty impressive "boots" on the rear, they look like they've come straight from an earth mover of some description.

There's a few photographs from last year's event i've posted in the first few pages of my tractor topic. I tend to try and head down with friends on the Saturday evening for a few beverages and watch the tractor pulling and then if i'm sober enough go back down on the Sunday and take pictures of everything on display. I've about 5 or 6 wallets full of photographs from the event over the years, but i'm struggling to get my scanner working with Vista, other wise i'd have posted some from years gone by.

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Yes I would expect the rear tyres came off an earth mover David.

The Barrack family must have around 6 to 7 engines in their private museum at Kingswells just on the outskirts of Aberdeen. The family is headed by Bill Barrack who must be in his late seventies. He has three sons Sam, George and Hamish and all are interested in steam. There is now even a third generation with Sam's two sons and even George's daughter taking a keen interest. I only hope when old Bill passes on the collection is maintained in the family.

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Great pictures as usual Bill.

Some great machines there.

Guy that works with me drove for Barracks when they had the haulage company.

8 ton austin delivering salt to the fish market.

Whose is the Glendronach distillery truck very nice indeed.

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The Glendronach Sentinel belongs to the Barracks Rob. They have bought it sold and and bought it back through the years.

J H Connon ( Public works contractor Inverurie )  had it many years ago or at least hauled it around. I don't know whether they owned it or the distillery did. In the late 1990's my friend who has the lorries went to Assen with a D Reg Daf 3800 i think and his 4 wheeled Mickey Mouse Foden and another friends Austin loadstar. In addition 2 others went with a JHC Connon Volvo ( Ex VG Mathers ) pulling a trailer with the Glendronach Sentinel and another Volvo unit.

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I looks like you had a good weekend Bill.

Wondered if the distillery had it and were promoting themselves now that they have gone back into production.

Wife is organising for us to go to a vintage steam fair at Aviemore when I am home this time.

How many steam engines did Alfie Chenye have up there? Lives about 10 miles from me.

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I looks like you had a good weekend Bill.

Wondered if the distillery had it and were promoting themselves now that they have gone back into production.

Wife is organising for us to go to a vintage steam fair at Aviemore when I am home this time.

How many steam engines did Alfie Chenye have up there? Lives about 10 miles from me.

The weather was excellent and that really makes the shows more enjoyable Rob.

That show mist be the Steam Fair at the Boat of Garten and the Strathspey Railway and I think it is on the weeken after Glamis Castle so it would be the 19th and 20th of July. I have never been at it since it is steam only as far as I know but you never know i may well take a look up to it depending what I have on that weekend and what the weather is like.

I would have to check back the program but between Alfie senior and junior they must have had at least six steamers there. One of him he has the Wizard - Morayshire County Council was actually driven in the past by my fathers uncle James Fraser from Rafford near Elgin. Alfie has invited us up to see all his collection but as yet we have never got round to it.

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Nice to see a collection of Duncan cab equipped tractors there Bill.

Well yes Colm especially when the Duncan Cabs were made in Aberdeen too. I have to say I did like the look of the MF35 with the Duncan cab in off farm condition despite not been a great lover of MF's... ;) ;)

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Yes it was a bit soft Adam after all the rain on Friday.Fortunately the rain held off on both Saturday and Sunday so the show will be able to continue again in 2010. Both 2008 and 2007 were wet years and if this year had been wet then it would have been finished from a financial point of view.

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