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do you reconise this ?

Mike R

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  • 2 weeks later...

all fuel tanks have to be bunded to hold at least 1/2 - 3/4 of it's contents

here's a pic of mine using the same tank as kentman

All fuel tanks need to be bunded and hold a minimum of 110% of the tanks contents, where would the other 1/2 - 1/4 go if it was as you say mjb??

The additional 10% is to allow for rainwater/debris in the bund area, bund areas should also be cleaned out/drained at regular intervals and inspected for Damage / leaks.

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I was told the Gov will put pressure on firms to refuse to fill non-compliant ones at some stage - probably just a threat - don't see how they could do it really in such a competitive environment such as fuel - UNLESS WE GET ANOTRHER SHORTAGE THAT IS? :(

This is a possibility Marky........ We carry out a lot of work for Oil companies cleaning up spillages when tanks have been overfilled and quite often they have to burden some or all of the cost of this work, it is within their interest to make sure they offload into tanks that fall within current legislation because should an incident occur where The Environment agency have to be informed then they could well be the ones in the dock so to speak as it is infact them who have caused the incident, even if the customer ordered too much fuel to start with!

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mjb1 what is that ford 7910? i think ive seen it on here before but corect me if im wrong looks well though if i didnt say it already, and its a very shiny yard u have there i presume it was power floated? ;) looks like it could be cooker hobs??

aye its a powerfloated cookerhob cp :D as for the tractor thats my 8210 turbo of a fashion  ;)

All fuel tanks need to be bunded and hold a minimum of 110% of the tanks contents, where would the other 1/2 - 1/4 go if it was as you say mjb??

The additional 10% is to allow for rainwater/debris in the bund area, bund areas should also be cleaned out/drained at regular intervals and inspected for Damage / leaks.

when i last had to build a bunded wall around a fuel tank the HSE bloke said it had to hold at least 50-75% of wasted fuel mind you this was about 10-11 years ago now F-P. but seeing as you work with all this legslation  it's all good stuff to know thanks  :) i spect that soon as you receive new rules & reg they've changed before you get to read them  ::) you've got to be on the ball to keep up in your sort of work  :)

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aye its a powerfloated cookerhob cp :D as for the tractor thats my 8210 turbo of a fashion  ;)

when i last had to build a bunded wall around a fuel tank the HSE bloke said it had to hold at least 50-75% of wasted fuel mind you this was about 10-11 years ago now F-P. but seeing as you work with all this legslation  it's all good stuff to know thanks  :) i spect that soon as you receive new rules & reg they've changed before you get to read them  ::) you've got to be on the ball to keep up in your sort of work  :)

Its becoming almost impossible to keep up with environmental legislation these days, its an annual occurance to see a particular piece of legislation upgraded or over-ruled by another piece of legislation, No sooner do you get used to new legislation and its been amended, it's like having the goal posts moved just has you strike the ball on the penalty spot......... Thats enough about work anyway, I come on here to get away from all that crap!

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