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Show Us Your Yard Scrapers......

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A to remain un-named tractor mag (cos Rorys' is better!), has a yard scraper of the month so I thought I would start off a topic just for a laugh.... ::)

I don't even have a yard to scrape!  However I did have a spare Britains 6600 so decided to turn it into a yard scraper just for a bit off fun....  It has been heavily aged (not a professional job just me and a paint brush).  The scraper is scratch built just off the top of my head and the 'muck' is tea from a used tea bag mixed with a bit of paint!!



Complete with bent linkage as per the one I used to drive as a 14 year old!!


So come on.....show us your scrapers!!!

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That is a really good attempt at a yard scraper tractor it is not over done like some of the other dirty tractors that have appeared on here in the past. The custom scraper is also really good. I like the outfit as a whole. I would also use some form of green paint If i was to do this to give the old girl that other farm yard colour If You know what i mean!. I think I will have to look in the junk box and have a play with a tractor this is a good topic.

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