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Britains Steiger Panther

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Hey guys,

how do ou like the BRitains Steiger Panther from the Farm Toy Show 2009? I think it is the poorest quality in the whoole vintage 4WD series and the first model in the series I don't want to buy. There are tooo many parts made of plastic. That wouldn't be the problem but if the color don't fit the color of the painted parts it is just sad.

How do you think about that?

Best Regards from Germany


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you might be having two models in mind.. the Ertl Toy Farmer edition. Which is in my opinion quite good, and the Britains follow up that is quite poorly detailed.

I hope to receive the Toy Farmer edition real soon, so i can give an even better opinion.


I just saw one version in Zwolle, they looked all really cheap with the plastic bonnet. Can you maybe send me a link of the both different models?

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Ey Moritz............happy christmas.............and my question to you......... are there models on the market who are good enough for you because the most time (when we talk) you have negative comments on some models......... even when they are realy good.

I think you must seperate the real one from the toy.

The model development in the last 5-7 years made very big jumps and the quality wasn´t better as today so stop bugging around.

Maybe the Steiger isn´t that good but what do you want......... it´s not a precision, not made by Replicagri or UH........... it´s an Britains / Ertl / RC2 or whatever............ they make toys to play with!!!!

The quality from those brands is not that bad but cannot reach the quality of the french.

So..........stop spreading negative arguments and think positive

Happy easter,


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[img height=424 width=682]http://www.fordcrazy001.com/NLforum/Steiger-Brit.jpg


there is much difference in detail and looks. Of course they have used plastic parts, but as far as i know, most Toy Farmer models use plastic parts.. Certainly the whole Steiger Series that was issued by Toy Farmer. And compared to all the Steiger models in the series, this is by far the best! It is not a precision though, but for the purchase value, one can not expect it to be one either. Also, if you know the real deal, you know these machines are as basic as they come.. They are not made for comfort and looks, but for what they are suppossed to do.. real workhorses for the plains of the US. Which means they dont have that much detail in them as the JD's for example.

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Welll getting back on this theme.......I think that there are alot of reasons for the manufacturers to use more plastic than diecast.

Reasons are; Plastic is cheaper than Diecast, the molds can be made cheaper as molds for metal, molds live longer by plastic as metal.

Real good plastic casters are able to paint the plastic in the right colours, so no more painting after the casting.

Plastic is not good for playing........... well my dear that is a rumour.......... check out the toys made by Bruder......... that´s good to play with.

The most high quality, high detail model manufacturers are using plastic (resin).


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Jacco, you are absolutely right! the plastic used nowadays by Siku, Britains and Ertl is of high playable quality.. it's not the plastic like the stuff used by Britains mid 1980's where cabs and floorplans had a tendency to break in a million pieces..

The manufacturers like Wiking, UH and Weise use a lot of resin cast.. regretfully that stuff is highly breakable and absolutely not suited to play with. So basically it is a choice between two evils.. something worthy of playing with with less detail, or something not suitable for playing with lots of detail. The combination of both might have been achieved with Ros(thinking of the Imber Ford's), but that is it.

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Ok........ but don´t forget the diference between toys & models.

Bruder, Siku and Britains are toys.......... that´s stuff to play with and in the 1/32 section, Siku is unbeatable.

Wiking, UH, Replicagri and stuff like that are Models........... you get them out of the box, put them in a showcase and look at them.

That´s why you have the difference between toys and models.......... most of the time you also see it at the price.


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  • 3 months later...

yes some plastics used by some manufacturers are excellent, im a great fan of Siku however Britains quality dont cut it in my opinion !!!!!!!!

yeah i agree with arch this steiger plastic its just tacky i wouldnt let my nefues play with the stieger if they dropped it, it would fall apart 

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Well here's my take on the Steiger KM-325 having recently aquired one:

I definitely don't think it's a poor model nor is it the least detailed of the Toy Farmer variants produced over the years. Take the Titan ST-360 that graced us just over a decade ago, which, in a surreal similarity to the real deal this model reflects, is simply a remanufactured refurbishment. To all intents and purposes it's still a sand pit toy gift wrapped in a fancy box with vivid graphics and passed off as a limited edition.

The '09 edition Steiger on the other hand is much more refined compared to some of it’s ancestors, despite it’s feather light feel from the plastic properties it possesses. There’s plenty of realistic detail captured within the KM-325 to satisfy the collector without giving it the titanic traits of an ocean liner. It also means there’s no need to hire a Chinook helicopter to save your back from snapping or shoulders from escaping there sockets when lifting the model to it’s final resting place of cabinet or shelf. That said if built in weight does count for quality then it’s hard to look past the Oliver 2655, International 4366 and Case Traction King 2470 for both detail and density within this series.           

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