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To what extent has the recession affected the hobby?

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i dont think you are going off topic Bluegreen, the state of the economy has an affect on peoples spending no matter what theyre buying.

I would say we are in a worse position than Greece as they can only go up the Uk can still fall further.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *breathe* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, so you're saying that some where that needs a $147billion bailout is better off than us?! 

they can't only go up?! they're gonna be repaying that $147billion loan for a long while yet, and how will they repay something half the size of their GDP? serious cuts in areas such as culture and public services (public services make up 80% of their economy!!!), it's going to be grim, especially if Germany get their wish and make them take a penalty for needing the loan in the first place..... so will greece be able to afford the repayments or will the IMF (ie USA) be called in, and they do a wonderful job of ruining peoples economies....

the UK government would have to do something stupid to quadruple our debt so it was over 100% of our GDP. we have the 5th largest economy in the world, Greece is nearer 25th.

and Bluegreen, i don't read the financial times, and i'm not really interested in economic theory either, but your fire and brimstone attitude, indeed anyone with that kind of attitude while making sweeping generalised statements and  without being more than vague about figures and sources, really irks me- i believe in politics they call it "spin"

must stop, need to pack to go home from uni


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Alex, whilst i understand what youre saying step away from the figures, if the wheels arent turning then things are going to stop or go backwards, the rest of Europe including the UK will bailout Greece.

The world is in a mess because of all the figure crunching and munching. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to workout this reccession is only just starting, dont forget we are still implementing western values on a country that doesnt want them, if you want some figures look at the cost of that!!!!

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Going back to the topic, how it's affecting the hobby, I had an interesting conversation with a model dealer today that told me all the other dealers and stockists that he knows are reducing their orders on new models and some are even returning their orders simply because they can only sell a very small proportion of what they have in stock. They are, or have been in the past, required to order a certain volume and pay up-front which they can no longer sustain and unless the suppliers agree to only supply what the stockists require and not what the suppliers dictate,  they are saying that they will close their accounts. So it is biting even more now.

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Obviously no one knows his customerbase better than an established dealer ;)  I would think they will sell plenty of tractors (in euro spec.) SUCH AS fORD 7810/ mf595  MF7499  NH6020, jd8345rt  ETC  But struggle when it comes to derivatives like different decal versions of already released models or dualled wheeled, terra tyred etc    I can see no point for holding any stock of a US spec JD7/8/9000 series for example  when the euro versions are already available in stock!  Special orders can surely be made for such items if requested.

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When the dealers place their orders for any specific models they are supplied in boxes of 6, 12 or 24 units and the suppliers will not split boxes. The only way boxes can be split is if dealers get together and share boxes but apparently this doesn't seem to work as some are not willing to do this.

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Yes Tim you are right about the quantities until a year ago we could buy containers between us at knocked down prices but thats all stopped now

As of yet I am yet to find a wholesaler who offers to take stock back  ;)

The only times I have heard of this is when businesses run out of cash and cannot pay their bills so they take what they owe back in products  ;)

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Well I don't know if its the recession, or more likely the fact that what used to be an easy buy at £15 or so - now costs more like £30, but I certainly aren't buying models at the rate I used to.  Certainly makes me a lot more choosy and not so worried about getting ones I'm not really set on.

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Most collectors I know around me Mark are doing the same as you, me included and this is bourne out by what Ed, my tame dealer told me a couple of weeks ago, people of the farming fraternity and those connected or have an interest in it will nearly always buy a Britains, Siku or a Bruder, which he says sells better than all the rest, for their little Son at a show or rally but the collector is now buying less of 'just everything' and going for the more limited stuff or just what they want specifically spending less all at once. He told me that the acid test will be at the end of the season, last of the shows and rallies and to a greater degree the end of year toy fairs, to see if everyone has been saving up to spend a wadge then. Time will tell, but then, there's always those that will spend out for what they want regardless.

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i ev only brought 2 new models in the last year  really cutting back  , but i found that after selling some of mine there £££ out there if the models  are what the buyers want  but the days are gone for me to just go out & keep buy ing  what ever they turn out  ,

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In one respect it could help.....

Think about putting £1 in the bank now.  At best you can get 2 -3% on an average deal.  So after a year your pound will have turned into £1.03 (forgive me for being basic about this).  Roughly, in 5 years time if interest rates stay the same you could have the grand total of £1.16!  My theory is put that pound into certain farm models and I would be bold enough to say it would be worth more than that......

....just a theory, though that is what I am doing in a small way ;)

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The old addage, where you gain on the roundabout you loose on the swings. Absolute wast of time puting money in the Bank for a mingy 1.5 to 2% annual interest, invest in certain antiques and models, follow the trends, watch a lot of daytime tv likes of 'Bargain Hunt' and 'Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is' stuff like that and learn the tricks and what's in demand and go out and spend that pound coin and speculate. My Father always used to say, 'dirt in one hand and wish in the other and see which hand fills up first'

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  as  im out of work now ,  i just 1 day went in me model room  full to the door & like most  of us all these models in boxs  just sitting looking back at me , i kinder felt like the fun had gone out of it for me some what  , 2010 i  ev start ed to sell of most of me collection  using the ££ to buy back  an odd  MF model  just now looking at keeping them  , the recession has made me think about the total cost s per year on what i had been spending  as others  say with so many models out there 

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