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At last, a support group for my obsession!

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Hi all, My name is Dale and I like tractors, any tractors! :D

I have been lurking for a good while, its taken me this long to get up to speed on what goes on in the forums. I am an engineer by trade, and I grew up in Cumbria hence why I am interested in farming machinery.

I have found myself with a lot of free time recently so the old Britains models have come out and I have been having a go at making some of the models I always wanted but were never made, I will start getting some pictures up over then next few weeks provided I don't get called away to work.

Cheers all!

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Hi Dale and welcome  on board, whilst this is a support group we are unlikely to cure you, you will find that the addiction grows ever worse and more expensive :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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Echo all of the above really... a warm welcome and a hardy handshake from me too Dale.  Finding us is like treading in quicksand really.. so lay still and try not to wriggle too much as Barry puts his hand in your wallet and extracts your 'hard-earned'  :D :D

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Cheers Guys! I am currently a city slicker boy now, but due to family stuff I have been spending a lot of time back in Cumbria (Furness Peninsula) this year and I'm really got hooked back into spotting and seeing what kit is running on the old farms round and about where the family live.

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