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Name your favourite topic of 2010.. and tell us why

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As we draw to a close in 2010, I am interested to know what has been your most favourite topic this year on FTF.. and, of course, the reason for your choice.

I have lots of favourite topics on here.. but if I was forced to pick just one I think it would have to be the 'what's you latest farm toys purchases' topic.. I do enjoy seeing what others spend their money on throughout the year, especially after the main shows like Spalding, Toytrac and even Zwolle  :)

so come on.... what's your favourite and why ???

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always fun those end of the year topics.. If i must pick one (and i am a bit surprised that Lordy above didnt pick this one  ;)  as he is the biggest contributor to the topic)

what is your latest purchased manual or brochure...

sadly i have "had" a very busy past 6 months so i couldnt be so active to contribute to the topic, but is always great to see what pearls are being found by fellow members on here, and all the background information that turns up  ;D

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Do I really have to pick one?

BC's shed building account has to be one, the detail was class! I quiet enjoyed his topic on "BC's other Britian's" as well, wishing that I could afford to buy even half of what he got during the year, would be great.

well archtech's MF35 has to be another one for me, ok I know its my own topic, but as a guy who grew up always interested in tractors, to finally own one, is great.

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Life at Low Creoch is a good one as its very insightful, The adventures of marky and Hattie for the banter and its a bit different to normal farming. The silage 2010 and harvest 2010 were very good for the pictures. Finally the harvest woes topic as it reminded me that we were having a good summer overall :P;)

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Well then, when does one start. I could mention any topic Alex 'Goon' posts in as he is always a jolly chap and fit for a laugh at his or my expense!!

The What Made You Laugh topic, always good when you're having a rubbish day.

The purchases topics, any layout topic, the list goes on. I have really enjoyed what Mandy has been finding and making for us. I am yet to order what with the attic not being ready but I hope 2011 sees an order going in.

Top Topic? Has to be At Work With Gav. I have found his tractor demonstrations brilliant, proper user reviews and not magazine stats and glossy explanations.  :)

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Well then, when does one start. I could mention any topic Alex 'Goon' posts in as he is always a jolly chap and fit for a laugh at his or my expense!!

oh trissle my dear friend, i enjoy reading your posts also! i do like the banter!

the quality of posting on this forum is extremely high, (better than some of the drivel i sift through on other forums i shall not name)!

for that reason i honestly cannot choose  :-[ keep it up :)

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Anything by BC, whats the next topic going to be?????

Toothpaste found in an old metal tin from 1846?

Japanese shoes made in 1346?

Chinese wispers from 1984?

Bill seems to have one of everything in his house/garage/shed!

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Anything by BC, whats the next topic going to be? ??? ?

Toothpaste found in an old metal tin from 1846?

Japanese shoes made in 1346?

Chinese wispers from 1984?

Bill seems to have one of everything in his house/garage/shed!

Well that did make me laugh Barry since I once said to the proprietor of a tool store..my you do have a well stocked place here to which he responded.." we have one of everything" and two or three of others ;D ;D

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Interesting reading in here... I am flattered to have one of my topics as a choice, I must say I wasn't expecting that  :-[

I'm also surprised that the brochure topic ranked highly with some of you as well.. I must say that it's also one of my favourite topics too... I'll make a note to keep posting in there, little and often from now on.. I always worried that some of you may find it boring.. but I guess it generally relates to the hobby  :-\ and our interests in real 1:1 scale farming  :)

Anyway.. enough of my waffle.. anyone else got a favourite topic... or even a favourite board if you like  :-\

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