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North East Farm And Construction Model Show Aberdeen 29th May 2011

Big A

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Thanks for the comments . We had a great time up at Aberdeen and everybody made us so welcome. If you've visted our website and would like to leave a comment,there is an earlier video clip on youtube just search for moss bank model farm and we would appreciate your feedback.  :)

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I'm glad you enjoyed the show Mike and I must admit I have spoken to a lot of folk about the show over the past two weeks and they all thought your display was stunning 8)

Just wondering if you have been able to get hold of a slater yet to fix the hole in the roof following the gales a few weeks ago :-\ :-\

I attach some of the photos I took on the day.





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Hi there, Just waiting for the government grant to come through before we get a slater in !!.  :-\ :-\

There was alot of great stands & displays, Andy and Brain both had fantastic displays of what they can build .

Busy trying  to build a Claas Jaguar 75 trailed forager harvester to chop the silage  at (MossBank Farm)Hope to have it finished before long .

Just wondering if anybody can help me with a bit of advice on what the right measurements on the stickers should be and what should be on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

any pictures of the event?

Well the show report is now out in issue 6 of Model Farmer so I will now post the rest of my photos of the day.

Just before 7 am a couple of traders started to arrive



Brian getting set up assisted by son Stevie with Andy and Laurie at the next set of tables



"Mrs convo and son" helping Peter to set up his stall



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Stewart Duncan and helpers starting to set up.


Davie Silver a lorry driver and lorry collector from Peterculter getting set up


The Marriott Hotel main entrance with advertising sandwichborad made by FTF member and exhibitor at the show "Toyboy" aka Dode Stevenson from Keith.


Young William Moir from near Fraserburgh who was a first time exhibitor along with his brother and parents and managing to fill 6 tables puts some last minute touches to his display with his air brush.


Brian Fleming from Banchory with his display of Corgi lorries


Albert Irvine from near Inverurie with his heavy haulage lorries and cranes and numerous flashing lights.


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Martin Littlefair was one of the exhibitors who made the trip from over the border and came with two of his 1/16 scale scratch built combines.



Next table was retired farmer and farm contractor George Walker from Kemnay with a selection of mainly SCALEdown models. George decided to come to this instead of attending a car rally with his classic car.


Now Ian Leather with an early morning customer


Moving round Andy Ingram and Brian Gray's tables


Next Kenny Moir from Peterculter with a selection of 1/16 scale tractors and various lorries with Stuart and Pat Walker looking on.


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Another two from Peterculter Stuart Walker and son Lewis with heavy haulage and fairground lorries etc



Brian's tables all set out


Next Donald Fraser from Wick with a selection of lorries



And then a chap selling lorries...sorry can't remember his name :-[


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More of the Moir's display



Bruce Walker from Aberdeen with his heavy haulage models


Ian May from Aberdeen with his cranes in the livery of the company he works for.


Stewart Duncan's stall all now set up


I tried to get a shot of the spectators coming in when this chap in the pink walked in front of me...anyway the chap in the black is a FTF member ROB 7810 aka Robbie Dewar who had two mates down from Shetland with him.


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A shot from the foyer


Next Brian Stewart's tables. Brian did a brilliant job promoting Model Farmer and selling magazines and also gaining quite a few new subscriptions 8)



catkom3 aka Joe Dewar from Kinross had a few of his models and creations on Brian's tables as well including his Terragator.



Toyboys aka Dode Stevenson from Keith with his table including his scratch built Marshall dung spreader.


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Now another FTF member Andrew Standford from Fife with his dad.


Angus Plumb from Aberdeen collects Meccano and brought along a selection of farming models.



Another young exhibitor Gary Bruce brought along some of his sheds which he built himself.



Davie Silver's collection of lorries...Davie was one of the first to arrive and last to leave but said he really enjoyed the show and again was a first time exhibitor.


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Ally Murray from Aberdeen brought along a collection of lorries which was mainly old Aberdeen hauliers such as Charles Alexander.





And Jim Stanton from Aberdeen brought along some of his cranes


Another young lad and first time exhibitor Brandon Peter brought along his silage and farm display.


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Thanks Joe and Brian. I had forgotten the video man who does the local rallies etc was there for most of the day so you never know we may be able to get some still shots from him or even a DVD with footage from the show ;) ;)

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