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North East Farm And Construction Model Show Aberdeen 29th May 2011

Big A

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If it involves a shed it'll take aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

and the assistance of his dad to tris ;D ;D ;D ;D

And dont forget about the 500 photos from different angles............. :P;D8) (Couldnt resist)

on topic again..... im still in negotiations to go  >:( begining to look like unpayed leave :-[

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And the customary photo of Bill commondeering(?) next door's porshe....... on a fine day and while there still progress to be made (sorry ill stop this now before i get evicted from the christmas card list :police: (OR WORSE))  :laugh:

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Today I was at the Forres Theme day in Morayshire minus tractor but that's best not spoken about. Anyway I got on the chat to Sye Brue who is the chairman of the Mearn's vintage club at Edzell. He was asking me if I wanted to go to the Newark show with their club in November and then the subject of model show came up. He said his barbour collects tractors and he said it came be embarrassing at times when customers are waiting behind him and the barbour is off upstairs to bring down his latest  tractor purchases to show him ;) ;)

Anyway Sye took 2 poster and one will be in the Brechin barbours. In addition he introduced me to another chap who took a pile of posters and said he would distribute around the Brechin area...plus he is keen to attend the show as well.

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Today I dug out my 1957 French Farmall Cub and moved to the garage in preparation for next weekend working weekend at BA Stores at Lyne of Skene. Started both times on the first crank...what a boast...I hope she behaves like that next weekend ;) ;)

Anyway decided I will do a bit of moving advertising at that show for our model show which is now only three weeks away.



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Today I went to the Grampian Miniature Transport Collectors Club event or "swapmeet" but really it is just around a dozen traders at the Treetops Hotel in Aberdeen and it was poorly attended by the public as Andy and Brian will vouch.

I did not buy a thing other than a carvery lunch and sweet which I have to say was lovely. There were a few couple of older Britain's items on one chaps stall but one was a hospital 4 bed scene one in a real mint box and he wanted £ 80 but I wasn't going down that route ;) ;)

Anyway I spoke to a few folk who had not heard about our show and one of the traders coming to our show took all my remaining posters and flyers from me since over the coming week he still has to visit some of his old customers..( Stewart Duncan recently retired as a travelling salesman form the motor factors Dingbro Limited) a true gent is Stewart and this man sold around 30 odd Model Farmer magazines to his customers for me last year.

Just before I left I was chatting to the chap who had the Britain's hospital and although he can't make our show since he has a war gaming event on that day he said the way to get a bit of free publicity from the local papers was to write and submit an "article" about the event. He has done this for his war gaming sideline for 25 years and has never had to pay a penny in "advertising"....food for thought me things...it is true...it does really pay to talk ;) ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well Sean i didnt ask but im getting worried bill hasnt mentioned the show for over a week he is either under the weather or done a runner mind you next sunday will let us see if he is o.k.

mark ill get him to send you a pm about it :)

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:D :D .. thanks Brian.. it's come as a great shock to me I must say... he's kept it very quiet.. rumour has it... they have found a person from a tribe, deep deep deep in the Peruvian rainforest that hadn't heard about it as well  :of :of

Shocking behaviour...

Although.... he did know how long it took Bill to make his new shed... and how much his last smoke detector battery cost and the length of service life it had given  :P

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:D :D .. thanks Brian.. it's come as a great shock to me I must say... he's kept it very quiet.. rumour has it... they have found a person from a tribe, deep deep deep in the Peruvian rainforest that hadn't heard about it as well  :of :of

Shocking behaviour...

Although.... he did know how long it took Bill to make his new shed... and how much his last smoke detector battery cost and the length of service life it had given  :P

get me his address (the peruvian ) and ill send him a poster and some flyers, its good bills pushing the show everyone must start somewhere and for us scottish members this is the first of hopefully many more to follow

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Well thanks for your concerns ...not....I was at the BA event all weekend despite a cold starting on Friday. By Sunday afternoon my voice was going and Monday well I was feeling like death warmed up and could hardly speak.

That aside that did not stop me from preparing for the show. The other weekend at the Treetops swap meet I spoke to one trader who said he could not come since he had a "war-game" on that day. He said he had set up war gaming in Kirriemuir 25 years ago and it was a big success and he had not spent a penny on advertising. I had to ask him if he would let me into his secret and he said the newspapers. I said Andy's wife had tried them but they all wanted to charge a fortune for even a small advert. He said the way he did it was to write an article for the papers.

Last Thursday evening I put pen to paper and wrote a 350 word article which Andy and Brian were happy with. On Monday I emailed it to 14 newspapers around Scotland and got 4 positive responses. The best one coming from the editor of the Aberdeen Press and Journal which covers right up to John O Groats and as far down as Perth.

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Indeed roll on the 29th.

Bill has done a cracking job of advertising A+ for him, word has definatly been well spread, am just hoping he dosent send me an invoice for fuel, phone bill and plane tickets to Peru to track down this last person ;)

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