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Buskhill Farm - The Real One - and the adventures of the mighty 2140

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Well, thought id start a topic on my own farm.

Bit of background on me, weve a mixed beef, arable and contracting farm setup at home. But most of this topic will be about my farm, a recently purchased outfarm situated just off the dual carriageway near Banbridge Co Down. Its currently 25 acres of winter wheat, theres a few old sheds and a barn, and ill be building a new house on it shortly, hopefully followed by shedding for a few limo cows in the next few years.

First up, my first tractor, always been a big fan of all tractors but fell for John Deeres the first time i drove one and the obsession to own one every since has finally came into reality.

Its a John Deere 2140 from the same year as myself 1985

Bought a few weeks ago and have given it a good clean and polish and is looking the part now.

Ive some before pictures but have to get them off mums camera later. But ill be starting with the after photos  ;D

Since ive got it, resprayed the mudguards, put a flashing light on it and t-cuted and polished most of the tin work and cleaned the cab interior (unfortunatly the last owner didnt have a rear window for a while so its a bit scruffy)

This is the machine you can blame for not seeing many model conversion of the last while from me too ha ha!.


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I put new bonnet stickers onto it yesterday and has fairly brightend the tractor up,ill take some new pictures of it next week, hopefully doing something more exciting than holding a linkbox up.

It wont be usedmuch in the contracting end, as i work in a day job its initially been bought so i have my own tractor to do work around my farm, and when i start to build a house i need something on the forklift etc, then if it proves reliable i will be using it on the farm to feed cattle and maybe a bit of ploughing.

Our contracting business is mainly just tanking, with a valtra t130 and n101, more just to help justify having slightly bigger tractors than we need for the crop work end of things

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shed & barn's &  looking very tidy , nice 2140 as well ,a friend had a 2wd , was great on top dressing , chain harrowing & rolling, even the 12 tonne ex lorry body trailer full of grain didn't cause it to falter even though it had already killed off an unsuspecting ford 6600 & a 590  :-\

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Yeah they seem to be a real wee warrior of a tractor. There has been some work so far in tidying the barns up to were they are today, was a lot of rubbish from the previous owener inside them and alot of the timber has been rotted away by damp and wood worm, but i got it treated and all the timbre that was bad ripped out, so just have to replace the barn floor now and put a front into the wagon roof shed and that will do me until i can afford to build a mulit purpose grain/cattle shed in a few years

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Heres a bit of a update:

Got a set of new decals on her and bit more cleaned up

And its first day of proper work - some rolling on the home farm, done a few fields in the middle of the day, wanted to quite early so the frost doesnt set the grass growth back any, will hopefully get the rest of the silage ground done next week.

Hope you enjoy the typical Co Down scenery



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Rainfall is lots and sunshine feels like little

Quick search of google shows the records from aldergrove (Northern Irelands) Main weather station or at least most accurate

Sunshine hours: 1400 hours


So you get slightly better weather than we do, but on the plus side we have one of the best grass growing countries in the world (which really makes up for the constant drizzle ha ha!)

The grass and countrieside is suprisingly green for the time of year as it usually burns up with the cold and east winds from russia at this time of year but weve had a very warm march

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thanks mark, no the cab interior is pretty shabby, it was destroyed by the rain because it had no back window in it for a long time before i got it. Ive it cleaned up a bit but would need a complete cab kit,which are quiet expensive but ive been looking on the net and there are similar materials for covering car interiors at a tenth of the price that might just do the trick

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Rainfall is lots and sunshine feels like little

Quick search of google shows the records from aldergrove (Northern Irelands) Main weather station or at least most accurate

Sunshine hours: 1400 hours


So you get slightly better weather than we do, but on the plus side we have one of the best grass growing countries in the world (which really makes up for the constant drizzle :) )

The grass and countrieside is suprisingly green for the time of year as it usually burns up with the cold and east winds from russia at this time of year but weve had a very warm march

Interesting suff,I've heard Ireland's much the same as NZ in terms of it's grassland farming. I live a dry belt of land but with irragation we grow 12-13t/DM year on clay soils.

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Mark - Yeah about £800 for top and bottom kits off one site, dread to think what genuine would be, but ive found black or cream perforated material with foam on the back thats exactly the same as what was used, if i could only find it in brown id have plenty of change out of £100

Tris - there really is no place like home, ive visited alot of places but my favourite is always home, and with the recent weather its really looking in top shape with all the lush shades of green at the minute

Ol - My sis lives in NZ too and what i gather from her your climates more like the UK as a whole, were if you take the top of scotland can be a bit cold and wet, i presume is like the south of your south island, and up in aukland is similar to the south of england were the irrigat too. Shes in wellington and it seems to be similar to here except for the extra wind they get

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

First big load home on the JD the massive trailer that was at a guess once a old lorry cut down, but it does my job and made a good job of getting my sanderson forklift home in one piece. Need to get new chains and a set off forks and some TLC and it'll be as good as new. Also got the sunroof fixed, couple of bars needed fixing so my brother kindly welded them for me and its staying open which was welcomed on a lovely day like today.




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