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Foyle View Farm 2013 update


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Lovely Heiffer, lovely cattle altogether to be honest.

Thanks Thris its a full time job trying to keep them that way my mum and dad would be more into them than i would im more the fleet manager ha ha!

Good update, good to see the 375 runnin well

Thanks Pete aye the we 375 is doing well for us i must say lost with out her now

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Loving that new grab bob.. That little tractor is a credit to you mate.. Don't ever sell her, as when you are my age she'll be worth a fortune I reckon

Mark I have no intention of selling it I think she will be with us for good my dad just loves that tractor ha ha! would love now a nice we 135/148 here's wishing ha ha!

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Do you turn your muck before spreading Bob?

Yes CMB we do as we would spread in on grass land at the back end of the year so it has all winter to go into the ground. But most of it would be plough in on ground we have for reseeding

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well few things going on with us this weekend and heres a few pictures to see what we were at ;D First up is my great uncle Bob rolling silage ground he 82 years of age and he always has to do the rolling of the silage ground



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Wile uncle bob was rolling i got a phone call it was my mate Mark and he was asking could i leave 3 bales of silage down for his horses. So after Bob was finish up it was off down the road on my was back i met this mean machine its my next door neighbours father on his 35 sorry about the picture but i was driving at the time on my last trip back my neighbour waved me down and ask could he have a load of silage down as he has run out so i got to drive his MF5475.


and here she is all loaded up ready to go.



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I bet your uncle loves being able to get out on the land, Bob. Good on him for still getting stuck in. :)

Aye tris he loves to get out on the land we alway let him roll the silage ground makes him happy and makes him feel apart of the team just hope when im his age i can do the same work

soft lookin bales there ha ha!

Thats the joys of baling in a wet year and and stacking them up these bales that were on the trailer were the bottom row thats why there so out of shape ;D

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Some more picttures of the uncle roling it nice to see thr fields greening up again and there no fert on them yet.

Good on him for getting out there! Looks like a good bit grass there already.

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Good on him for getting out there! Looks like a good bit grass there already.

well uncle bob looks happy on the tractor, its a good thing you make him feel part of the team :) some nice tractors there as well Bob

@ John & JD6910 ah uncle bob's just happy to be out and about he says that it gives him something to get up in the morning for ;D

nice pictures bob,same job as i was doing at the weekend

@ Paul i was doing abit of rolling on Sunday myself it was more the hiller land we have that i was doing rolling is one of the nice jobs to do in the spring

nothing worse than soft saggy looking bales eh Bob ::)

@ Jamie Ah i know i know the do look bad but all the stuff in them just there on the bottom row so there squashed down abit. :ph34r:

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Soooooooooo some pictures of my weekend antics again.

This picture was took when i had just finished a field and moving onto the next.


Looking out the front this grass was sowed back last year and is doing well with out any fert yet.


and out the back


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  • 2 weeks later...

well heres some of todays little jobs notthing to mad we will start with dad and i fixing a door into our cow shed.




and to finish off i pushed up some dung



and the finish job all pushed up


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  • 4 weeks later...

Here at FV we have been baling straw yes (STRAW) in May :of ok i can here you all say yep them guys over in NI have gone mad once again ha ha!. well really we have been baling round bale straw into small square bales. what for you will be asking well we have a hefier to go to the bigest agri show in NI the Balmoral show. this will be the first time we are showing anything at the show and we need to take straw to the show for beding so my dad, uncle bob and me thought it was time we blew the cobwebs of the old NH 276.



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and here is uncle Bob picking up the bales and yes after i finish taking pictures i did lift some bales too ha ha!


lastly uncle Bob's dog Huni having a soft warm seat ha ha!


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