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Pickwick Farms machinery


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Nice pics there, they have some nice kit even if it is red  ;D

nice 6180,good to see a few more of the reds mate,didn't know knerveland did feeders though

Kverneland own Taarup who make diet feeders and grass land equipment, they did have the Taarup name on them to start with but that has gradually been replaced by the Kverneland name

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as well as kevernland & taarup , the tarrrup group bought out KIDD & those feeders were also badged as AUDREAU & KHUN

You bugger I wanted to say that!! Being a local lad and that. My mate has just bought a Taarup one froma dispersal sale. It's a '93 I think so that goes to show how long this model has been around, lools no different to FB's pictur, colour aside.

Smashing photo's Ben, a great line up of a fair few MF generations in this post. Is that where you were when I mentioned the caravan centre?

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35 x was my first tractor - and I saw her the other day (27 years later)... still the same farmer - he'd just spent a few thousand on her doing her up (machanically only) - he said he couldn't bring himself to get rid of her - Bugger was my reaction... I wanted to take her off his hands... 185 was my second ride - felt like a giant... carting straw bales for the same farmer.. and I was only 12 (told him I was 14)

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