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What did you see today that made you laugh?

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Adam's rabbit Ears going straight through the Zoo he had set up. Picking up a Britains Kangaroo by the tail and eating it! :D :D

You aint seen nothing yet. I just love that blank expression on their faces when they do it. When you laugh at them they give you a look as if to say..........now what?

      Has it started stripping and snipping yet. We had a house rabbit. It snipped wires, stripped wallpaper, ate newspapers and magazines, stole food, chewed table legs etc. I once fell asleep in an armchair and woke up to find that our bun had chewed a hole through my T shirt.

    Ours had some weird eating habits too. It used to eat Kentucky fried chicken, sausages, burgers. bananas, orange peel...........yuk...... It sneaked up on me when I was sitting on our settee eating a sandwich and watching TV. It sidled up to me and then struck like a cobra, leaving me with the bottom half of my sandwich. On another occasion I was eating a boiled egg sandwich and told the rabbit she wasn't going to have my last one. I nearly won that time, except for the fact that she jumped up on the plate and sat there eating one end of the sandwich, while I ate the other.

    Great pets.....they are very under appreciated animals and can be very funny, cute, very sneaky, very theraputic and downright mischievous. I used to have paper fights with my two Flemish giants.

      May your bun bring you much fun and happiness.  ;):D

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Mr Womble you have a way with words. Had me in stiches!! :D :D

So far all she has eaten is my slippers!! and hovered up the budgies millet and seeds that were on the floor.

She only came in for the storms but I fear that she may be staying in!!! :D :D

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the HR lady came in today....after boss had resigned....there closing the office!!!....funny in a way as i'm out anyway, he's off too! :D :D :D...they only decided to do this last week!

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What I heard more the saw.

Brrrrrring bring.


"Ah Hallo Mista Fwy my name Jennifer Right. I call you from Telesurbay Right. I take some time to ask kwestyans right?!


She is still jabbering away to the top of the monitor bless her. .. but, three rights do make a wrong!!!  :D :D :D :D :D :D

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I leave'em chatting to noone. You know what its like, your walking down the road with someone chatting away and then without you realising they stop walking. You carry on chatting to the world without even noticing, then you feel like a big a$$ pleb when you do realise. Well old Jennifer Right now feels like that  ;):):D :D :D :D

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I leave'em chatting to noone. You know what its like, your walking down the road with someone chatting away and then without you realising they stop walking. You carry on chatting to the world without even noticing, then you feel like a big a$$ pleb when you do realise. Well old Jennifer Right now feels like that  ;):):D :D :D :D

know what you mean Tris, know what you mean! :D :D :D

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A transit van hammering towards me as i was going the other way down a tight lane and  i thought he's not slowing down to give way so nor will i then we hit wing mirrors his wing mirror smashed in to a 100 pieces put my window down push it back round not a mark on it and seen the bloke jumping out his van trying to chase me  :D :D :D :D

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