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uk weather at the shows this year 2012


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i just thought i would start a topic on the great weather we have had this year with all the cancellations due to bad weather ,so on that note the ones that took place in the mud ,,,,lets see your pictures

hemsley show 2012 steam and vintage




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A very topical topic Peter...although for me I have to say weather has been better for the shows I exhibit at this year than last. Last year I only exhibited at one show due to the weather and tractor problems.

Anyway the first show for me this year was the annual working weekend at BA Stores Lyne of Skene in mid May. The weather the week before including the Friday was wet but despite being muddy in the unloading ares it never rained all weekend and was actually a very enjoyable weekend.




Tyres were a bit muddy but heck who cares...this is a working tractor...well at least two days every year ;D ;D


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The next show I attended was at Fraserburgh on the Buchan coast in the first Sunday of June and it was dry all day apart from a 10 to 15 minute light drizzle so no photographs. The following Saturday I attended the Angus show at Brechin and although dry on the day it was another day for sporting the wellingtons.



Part of Sunday was spent power washing car trailer and tractor tyres




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The next rally I was due to attend was the Bon Accord Steam & Vintage Rally at Castle Fraser. I went in person in Saturday and it was drizzling for most of the day. I intended taking a tractor on Sunday but the weather got worse on the Saturday evening so I refused to load up and get soaked. I went along on the Sunday without tractor and I got to drive my pals Leyland Comet artic lorry in stead.

The "mr softie" ice cream van was doing much trade and as much as I like ice cream I even did not bother


Tyres did get a bit muddy at least it was dry on the Sunday until around 3pm when the rain started and I retreated for home.


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Glamis Castle between Forfar and Cupar Angus was my next show last Sunday. I was watching the weather all week and it was not looking good....but by Friday it was saying rain on Saturday and dry on Sunday. I loaded up at around 9am last Saturday morning whilst it was just a light drizzle. I then got a car cover over the tractor so I could check water / oil levels etc and remove and clean the spark plugs and charge up the 6 volt battery.




After arriving on the Sunday I unloaded and parked up and washed down the tyre's with about 30 litre's of water before the start of the show.


Outside the compounds it was "dubby" aka muddy


There was no parades of vehicles in the ring and the show stopped early....I was loaded up by 4.45PM and home just after 6pm...had that been a dry weekend I would not even have been away from Glamis at the time I got home.

Hey ho I have entered to exhibit at another 3 shows this year and spectate at another two so here's hoping the weather gets better in the latter half of the year :huh::unsure:

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ooo its become the bill topic again :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , not made any shows so far this year, but was told the cornwall show wasnt that bad really, bar the first day anyway, rain seemed to drain off pretty quick, first day was more the wind that did the damage than the rain

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