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Bonnel plough by Pro Farm Toys

the other green

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Hi all, I'm looking through an old issue of Model Farmer (June 2011) and there's a review of a Bonnel 5 furrow reversible plough, the type that is the 90 degree turn not the regular 180 degree roll-over. The model is made by a manufacturer called Pro Farm Toys. Did anyone out there buy one of these models? What do you think? Does anyone remember the real thing in their area? Lastly, did this model-maker build anything other than this plough and the cultivator?

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Hi Adam


nice to see that someone is still reading the article ::) ::)  I have also got the cultivator which is a superb model and very intricate but I don't think that the plough sold well in the UK either as a model or as the real thing. I also don't know if Pro Farm Toys made any other models which is a shame as these two are very well made.

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I believe ProFarm have ceased manufacture which is a pity as they made some great items.


They only produce 4 models as far as I know, Here are the other two of their models - http://www.farmmodels.co.uk/Profarm-farmmodels.html


Full range http://www.farmmodeldatabase.com/en/models/search/all-brands/profarmtoys/all-scales/all-categories.html


The NH WE170 is a particularly good model. I heard these are now selling for £300!



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Ive got 3 of the 4 models, need the NH WE170 to complete the set, not paying £300 for it though!!!

One went on eBay recently for £87 Barry. So I reckon you could get one for 2 figures. Not sure it's worth £300 but if I was offered that for mine I think I'd sell!


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Hi Adam


nice to see that someone is still reading the article ::) ::)  I have also got the cultivator which is a superb model and very intricate but I don't think that the plough sold well in the UK either as a model or as the real thing. I also don't know if Pro Farm Toys made any other models which is a shame as these two are very well made.

Back in the 50s Bonnel sold some reversible ploughs in the UK as 99% would still be conventional (trailed) ploughs. But these larger 80s models were never sold I reckon. Or at least not more than a handful. Here is a photo of a three furrow version behind a County crawler that I photographed during a working day in Suffolk a few years back: http://www.agrifoto.nl/foto/Oktober%2010/IMG_2615Custom.jpg

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Thanks for all the info lads. That was a good write-up Mike, I wish I could afford a subscription but its a bit out of my league, postage to North America and all.


The plough behind the County looks like it would be a lot of fun for messing around on a weekend afternoon.


I'd like to get one of these models, it would be quite a conversation piece with my collector friends out here. Nice to know that they aren't too expensive but sad the model maker isn't in business any more.

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