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Spalding model tractor and construction show October 2016


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Well us at 1/32 farming models are looking forward to this show come and visit us and say hello , loads of new parts and decals on stock infact we have another new spinning rack 6 in total full of decals and bits and bobs to mod your models with , lots of new products plus I am selling my own collection and bringing down what I can fit in my van ,

looking forward to catch up with all you guys and a few beers in the pub Friday , saterday night .

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7 hours ago, bluegreen said:

Does anyone know if you can pay a bit more and get an early admission?  And would that be after 9am or 9.30am?

Early entry is usually at 8am Phil, and used to be £10. Think it is still that price this time. You get a great big white and red sticker to put on your chest !!!

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Well we here and my first purchase this weekend is a pint of grainstore cooking and a large white wine for our lass ,if any one is up for food and a few beers in the pub tomorrow night you are more than welcome to join us ,,it is we're must of us social ones ends up ,,,

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Went to day thought was a bit quieter than usual. A few empty tables as well. Saw some forum members aka smithy, dan (3 oaks) convo. Got a lot off convo (pete) beacons decals other bits. Ended buying three sets of fold up harrows  fert spreader plus other bits. Good day though. 

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21 minutes ago, weblet375 said:

Went to day thought was a bit quieter than usual. A few empty tables as well. Saw some forum members aka smithy, dan (3 oaks) convo. Got a lot off convo (pete) beacons decals other bits. Ended buying three sets of fold up harrows  fert speaker plus other bits. Good day though. 

Get up some photos... ???

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6 hours ago, weblet375 said:

Went to day thought was a bit quieter than usual. A few empty tables as well. Saw some forum members aka smithy, dan (3 oaks) convo. Got a lot off convo (pete) beacons decals other bits. Ended buying three sets of fold up harrows  fert spreader plus other bits. Good day though. 

Good to meet you today hope you had a good trip back home I only got in a few minuets ago as was packing up for a little while and stopped for food on the way home hope to see you again sometime that is if you are allowed out again ? haha  

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yes you are all right this show is going down hill fast there were not manny people there at all I bet There were no more than 400 people , lots of empty space more effort needed to get people there or younger generation in , the only kids there are my friends 6 kids by two families and my lad ,,, sorry I had one customer of mine who brought his 7 year old !!!!! 

it was good to catch up with you guys and here is a picture of what the others that did not make it missed out on,,

roll on toytrac in 3 weeks time 




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