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just have to get hold of a blow torch :(

in my opinion the lazy bugger who didnt take off the net when he was bedding the pigs should be left with a knife and told to get on with it, he would definatly get off his a**e the next time he's bedding ;D

I had a lazy sod scoop up a mexican hat type cast iron feeder when he was mucking out, bu99er didn't that rattle when it hit the rotors in my spreader, had to be dug out by hand as well >:(

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Yes, it is a good job he doesn't have to wait too long.  He could have seen the consultant on Christmas Eve but would still have had to wait for the scan.  Both appointments are now on the same day.  The North Hants Health authourity fast-tracked him last time so I reckon with his past history they are not taking chances.

I am trying to keep him cheerful but it is not easy.  Let's hope he can forget about it over Christmas.

Thanks to all for your good wishes. 

sure you will be fine and your hubby, my stepfathers just gone through all this, last kemo ect was the 14th dec, all out in the opp and nothing left so they have given him the all clear, but it was pointed out that its a rareish version in the first place ??? so the chances are good they will find nothing more than just a lump of gristle or similar

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Going to a party last night and not being able to drink as I had to get up a t 05;30 the next day.

Getting up at 05:30 after only 5 hours sleep!!!

i know the feeling bgu, its not so bad getting 5 hours sleep in the summer, buts it aint good at this time of year :(

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i wrecked a new mesh grill infront of the ts110 :'( its only been on since the summer cause the old one was rotten and they are ?400.00 a time!!! i was movin sheep on the quad and they all broke away from me so i went for my dad was movin slurry from a tank to the slurry store and he took the quad and told me to take the tractor to block off a lane. i thought the tanker was off as he removed the hoses and pto shaft then when i moved forward i head the bang! the drawbar of the tanker was still sort of on the hitch and i didnt see it! thats my christmas presnts out the window now ha ha! :'( :'( :'(

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BAD LUCK MATE :'( :'( i've got some small ones on mine now >:( and found a big one on one of the wheels :'( just a tip on filling them in use a Willy tail stick.

Thanks Marky... I think I may need a shovel to fill this one  :o :'( :'( :'( - I overtook a lorry on the A14 the other day.... as it hit a bump and half a wheelbarow of "stuff" fell off the underside  :'( :'( :'(

Like the c0cktail stick idea though mate... thanks for the tip  ;)

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ouch mate, thats not good, do they do that protective stuff for the bmw like you had on the front of the scooby??

You can get it for any car I think mate... well worth it as well... Armourfend I think it's called... pricey... but well worth the effort... I think I will get my car done after crimble... breaks your heart when you get a ding doesn't it  :'( :'(
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Midnight?? Wassup, is it cheaper after 12??  :D :D :D

i wish :D :D :D, they decided to open at 00.01 so i've been told in various stores, so instead of going with the rush tomorrow she wants to go then to get the food etc........i'm hoping its a myth and someone was winding her up cause i want to sleep! :D :D :D :D

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