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old bosses indoor silo at the new farm bein delebiretley set on fire,automatic scraoper unit melted,cubicle mattressses melted indoor silo destroyed 150 round bales of barley straw destroyed,5 fire appliances at it,jus after the tm270 got the last bale out the roof came in,100 cows near burned alive but all ok

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woo thats wild!! :o lucky the cows are safe :-\ aww no way, that's a lot of bales!! am sure your on the hunt for the culprit, should burn their house down and see how they like it >:(

[/Why not do a good job and burn their house down with them in it , get rid of a bit more human rrubbish >:( >:(quote]

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Orange Broadband! 8 weeks ago I upgraded my package to wireless, I still haven't recieved the Livebox from them so I rang them today........what fun.......a call centre of oriental decent with very quiet phonelines and a gentle who although did speak fairly good english found it hard to work out what I meant when I asked if new software was included with it (lappy is Vista so won't accept old Orange discs). After 20 minutes it turned out that they have sent it to the wrong address so who knows where that disappeared to >:(

At least this PC hasn't died just yet or I'd have been in a right muddle ::)

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old bosses indoor silo at the new farm bein delebiretley set on fire,automatic scraoper unit melted,cubicle mattressses melted indoor silo destroyed 150 round bales of barley straw destroyed,5 fire appliances at it,jus after the tm270 got the last bale out the roof came in,100 cows near burned alive but all ok

there are some sad cases around  thats for sure......I know what they need too! I have a wee bull at the moment who thinks everything on two legs is for killing!........................I  know where I`d put them !

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some wally from the office telling me i have to cance1 1 days holiday out of the full week i have off next week so i can change my van over, was deadly serious as my old one wont be insured to drive, difficult as i am off eh, finally talked him into doing it on the mondy i get back, who do these pencil pushers think they are

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