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William you are so right.

Anyone who wants to run a vehicle on anything other than taxable petrochemicals has to jump through hoops AND pay some sort of duty.  It has been proved you can run an internal combustion engine using almost anything as fuel but if you do it is ILLEGAL.

All the government wants is to make money and is not at all concerned about pollution despite the protest to the contrary and whatever they say is a load of ******* [insert the expletive of your choice]. 

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Having to sit in and do Technology coursework  :-\ :-\ :-\  would rather be doing my practical  ;D ;D

And its a lovely night for a bike ride  :'( :'( :'(

You've just reminded me!! Powerstar's Spring Bike Ride Topic for this year is a bit late!! I forgot all about it! Oh maybe i'll have to dig the bike out soon and take some poctures of what's going on around Exmoor. :)

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Right..........that's it..............now I'm really angry. What absolute crap.  >:( It's just another government scam to introduce yet another tax hike. Their main income comes from fuel, and lacking sincerity as they do, they are worried that if everyone jumps on the bandwagon and says fossil fuels are becoming horrendously expensive and we should use more bio fuels; they are worried about a backlash from the general public wanting tax cuts.

     They know bl**dy well that fossil fuels will run out if we don't conserve stocks, so we should be using as much bio fuel as possible. We are doing our bit by using it to protect the environment. It's said that the cause of global warming (Bull**it) is carbon dioxide emissions. Oil seed rape is a good source of good quality bio fuels as is sugar beet (Ethanol). So far the EU has decided to restrict the production of both, regardless of the fact that OSR is carbon neutral, ie it absorbs more CO2 when it's growing than it produces when used in an engine. OSR is a leguminous crop and naturally fertilizes the ground in which it is grown, by producing nitrogen.  There are hundreds of thousands of hectares of land on setaside which could be used to grow plants for fuel production; so for them to say that over growth of bio fuel plants will cause a food shortage is crap. How much food do we grow here; very little I would imagine, looking at the shelves in Tesco's etc. They are just worried that high volume production of bio fuels will cause them to lose tax revenue and a public uprising against the taxes they are already proposing to introduce.

     The only fact that isn't made too public about bio diesel is that the Nitrus Oxide gas emissions are slightly higher than normal diesel. NO2 is generally known as "Laughing gas". Now that can't be too bad; can it. I don't see what harm nitrus oxide does anyway. It is one atom of nitrogen and two atoms of oxygen. Bear in mind that 79% of the earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 1% other inert gases. Bio diesel doesn't produce soot particles, and engine noise is reduced slightly. Producing bio diesel is a cold process with no harmful emissions during production, and the main by-product of production is glycerin in an unrefined state.

           What we need more than anything is some real independant and honest "Experts" advising the general public, rather than the government "Puppets" who are paid to manipulate the truth for the sake of government incomes. The only concern of our government is finding more ways to squeeze the last few pennies out of the public with their "Dual layer" taxation systems, environmental charges, and fines for anything they can think of, and many things they are paying their "Spin doctors" to dream up.  ???

I'm with you William. That's the kind of rant I go off on. I always direct them at my local Tory MP / councillor, it's what they're there for afterall. We need to tell them these things or they won't take the issues to parliament; they are, unfortunately, not bright enough to come up with it themselves - most coming from a legal background and all that [no offence grassroots legal types - not that I'm particularly fond of the profession mind you!]

The current government are nothing short of petty thieves, stealing from honest hard working citizens to fund their own mistakes and ever shrinking population of actual earners being replaced by a cash hungry underclass surviving on benefits and making very good use of the few public services still available in this country. Up the revolution! The main problem being there aren't enough right minded people in this country left to be classed as a majority...

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dont tell me balck with crome roll over bar ect, you aint trying to be marty mcfly are you timmy :D :D :D :D

Nah mate, just searching for a 4x2 with a CD player right now...need something to haul around my lawnmowers but don't see the real need for the 4wd setup, adds on another $2,000 to most used trucks.  :-\

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Nah mate, just searching for a 4x2 with a CD player right now...need something to haul around my lawnmowers but don't see the real need for the 4wd setup, adds on another $2,000 to most used trucks.  :-\

My insurance for my 'pocket rocket' was ?1800 when I was 17  :-\ Next year i'm Getting an Astra Coupe Bertone 2.2 16v and it drops to ?1300 and that's with 3 years no claims!

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My insurance for my 'pocket rocket' was ?1800 when I was 17  :-\ Next year i'm Getting an Astra Coupe Bertone 2.2 16v and it drops to ?1300 and that's with 3 years no claims!

that will be why, your young and have a 'powerful' car!, until your 21 - 25 i dont think it will get much cheaper! :-\ :-\ :-\

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I don't think it gets a lot cheaper even after that age these days.

I remember when it used to get cheaper every year, now the big thing on TV adverts is 'we won't put it up next year'!

Our company had a quote for my Audi, granted, had a couple of shunts, but they wanted something daft like 1800 quid! Maybe even more! And I'm 27! It's only a bloody diesel...

When I was 19 I had a Mk 2 Golf GTi and I paid about ?550 for a years TPFT on that. Then the Range Rover was only 900 quid fully comp not long after.

Then the RR got pranged and a 5 year old Volvo V40 TD was something daft like 1100 quid TPTF!

Seems to get ever more expensive.... We should all stick to push bikes.... Yeah right....

Even more annoying is I had a very minor shunt 2 years ago - remember that, 2 years, it's important - where some dizzy old boot pulled out of a junction in her husbands car and stalled. Me, seeing nothing was coming and having just watched her pull out, followed, but went into the back of her.

So yesterday [2 YEARS LATER!!], we got a letter from Bott & Co, one of those robbing b*std 'no win no fee' con artist set ups advertising on the TV, saying she was sueing for medical problems with her back, neck and shoulders. And the list of 'but by no means exhaustive' allegations reads, the driver 'was driving too fast' 'failing to observe stopping distances' 'undue care & attention' and several others. Honestly, she stalled on a junction as I followed her out. In a diesel van. Too fast? Oooh, had to at least walking pace. Stopping distances? We WERE F*in STOPPED you silly ar*e. Makes me livid, never mind annoyed. No offence to you yanks, but it's your litigious society spilling over into ours. No place for it here. And Scumbags like Bott & Co are just bolstering this desire for the many peasants we have here to continue getting something for nothing.

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I don't think it gets a lot cheaper even after that age these days.

I remember when it used to get cheaper every year, now the big thing on TV adverts is 'we won't put it up next year'!

Our company had a quote for my Audi, granted, had a couple of shunts, but they wanted something daft like 1800 quid! Maybe even more! And I'm 27! It's only a bloody diesel...

When I was 19 I had a Mk 2 Golf GTi and I paid about ?550 for a years TPFT on that. Then the Range Rover was only 900 quid fully comp not long after.

Then the RR got pranged and a 5 year old Volvo V40 TD was something daft like 1100 quid TPTF!

Seems to get ever more expensive.... We should all stick to push bikes.... Yeah right....

Even more annoying is I had a very minor shunt 2 years ago - remember that, 2 years, it's important - where some dizzy old boot pulled out of a junction in her husbands car and stalled. Me, seeing nothing was coming and having just watched her pull out, followed, but went into the back of her.

So yesterday [2 YEARS LATER!!], we got a letter from Bott & Co, one of those robbing b*std 'no win no fee' con artist set ups advertising on the TV, saying she was sueing for medical problems with her back, neck and shoulders. And the list of 'but by no means exhaustive' allegations reads, the driver 'was driving too fast' 'failing to observe stopping distances' 'undue care & attention' and several others. Honestly, she stalled on a junction as I followed her out. In a diesel van. Too fast? Oooh, had to at least walking pace. Stopping distances? We WERE F*in STOPPED you silly ar*e. Makes me livid, never mind annoyed. No offence to you yanks, but it's your litigious society spilling over into ours. No place for it here. And Scumbags like Bott & Co are just bolstering this desire for the many peasants we have here to continue getting something for nothing.

i agree with you there if it was possible steam would be coming out of my ears, i read somewere a while a ago that some half wit was trying to break into a primary school as he was climbing over the security fence he slip and got one of the spikes stuck in his leg, he claimed and got 17 and a half grand for **** sake what else is a security fence for tell em please  ???>:(

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We have a drug user up here, Robs, steals you name it he`s doing it. The B@st@rd went to prison, was put on the wrong methadone project (what a shame) and on his departure decided to sue the prison service and he received ?12000 compensation >:(. If ever I catch him in my house, He`ll need the money to give to Bupa for his injuries.

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Youngest son had his motorbike knocked over in its parking bay by a BMW driver reversing into it.  Bike has been written off, there were two witnesses and the driver is now denying he hit the bike.  So Jim has ?50 from the insurance company for the scrap value and is now having to wait for a court case to get the remaining ?700. 

The police are now taking the driver to court for failing to report an accident, etc etc and the insurance company are still trying to get the balance of the money.  Jim, meanwhile, is a bike short and ?700 out of pocket.

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The Amount of Homework again!!!!!! >:( >:(>:( >:(

Most of the teachers have given up on us now so F**k the homework,

They don't even check it anymore so why give it  ???>:( >:(>:( >:(:-\ :-\

Only 3 more weeks left, only 3 more weeks left, only 3 more weeks left...............

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