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What really annoyed you today

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We have a drug user up here, Robs, steals you name it he`s doing it. The B@st@rd went to prison, was put on the wrong methadone project (what a shame) and on his departure decided to sue the prison service and he received ?12000 compensation >:(. If ever I catch him in my house, He`ll need the money to give to Bupa for his injuries.

If I get one in my house they won`t need the money for medical bills , it`ll be for their funeral !

Our country really has gone down the tubes............we had a letter recently regarding an accident vehicle number ....... blah de blah  was involved in  in shropshire..........the vehicle in question is our quad bike and DEF was not in shrops ......... dad made a few phone calls and everything went quiet but the letter was quite threatening saying stuff like , concealing information, leaving the scene of an accident , failure to report,injured party  claiming medical expenses and compensation  etc etc.

When told the facts from our point of view............oh right I see  well your vehicle was still involved in a RTA and as such you are responsible.....GET A LIFE WHICH PART OF NOT OUR VEHICLE DONT YOU GET......as I say seems to have died down .

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My internet went down yesterday - Have only just got back online!!

Rabbit chewed through the phone cable from the modem!!

Rabbit stew tonight!!!! :D :D :D

Go what have I done for the last 24 hours without this place??

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My internet went down yesterday - Have only just got back online!!

Rabbit chewed through the phone cable from the modem!!

Rabbit stew tonight!!!! :D :D :D

Go what have I done for the last 24 hours without this place??

dont stew it infront of adam mind will you kev :D :D

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Dad going on holiday this morning, which was fine as it's a free house and responsibility, but to get home to find the final big flock of ewes had started lambing today, so there went my evening, all plans gone to sort out sheep. :( Worst of all, he's not home untill sunday, but of all days they could have started dropping lambs......Another weeked of 6-8 days outside then. >:(:( :'(

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My internet went down yesterday - Have only just got back online!!

Rabbit chewed through the phone cable from the modem!!

Rabbit stew tonight!!!! :D :D :D

Go what have I done for the last 24 hours without this place??

House bunnies...........don't you just love them. I thought you would have learned by now that you don't have any wires, wallpaper, magazines, wooden legged furniture below a line, two feet off the floor. Don't ever sit in a chair and go to sleep with one in the room! I once awoke to find mine had chewed a hole in my 'T' shirt while I was asleep. He 'Removed' the corners of the curtains in our lounge, got into a cupboard and 'Snipped the wires to our headphones (Several times) and another of our little darlings stripped a large area of wallpaper behind the settee and chomped the wires to our telly. (Mains) Wife said there was a loud bang, the telly went off and the rabbit came out from the corner acting really weird. We later found she had magnificent whiskers on one side of her face, and the other side wasn't so smart. She had a bald patch on the side of her mouth and whiskers resembling small springs. They had coiled slightly when they were burnt. Beware, they will steal the food off your plate too, should you leave it unattended.

Great fun though if you don't mind them wrecking your house.  ;):D

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Clients who don't know their A from their E.  Having spent 3 hours last month building a template for budgetting  the idiot sent me an urgent "can you import this budget" I need to send figures to the bank manager.  Idiot? Oh yes - he did not use my template and I have just spent my Saturday morning building a budget in his accounts from the garbage he sent me. 

I wouldn't mind if this was just a one-off - this is the third time he has done it and I talked him through it on FRIDAY and he STILL sent the wrong one!

>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( 

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Went in search of new girl been talking to etc as we've hit it off but had no luck in searching for like 5 hours round daventry and down towards banbury all round the A45, A361, A5, A425 etc theres alot lanes around there :D but had no such luck in finding her in challenger and a mate in 7930 will tlak to her tonight and find them tomo ;D:D

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Went in search of new girl been talking to etc as we've hit it off but had no luck in searching for like 5 hours round daventry and down towards banbury all round the A45, A361, A5, A425 etc theres alot lanes around there :D but had no such luck in finding her in challenger and a mate in 7930 will tlak to her tonight and find them tomo ;D:D

Try looking for her after dark and be carefull not to hit the kerb  ;) ;) :D :D :D
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Went in search of new girl been talking to etc as we've hit it off but had no luck in searching for like 5 hours round daventry and down towards banbury all round the A45, A361, A5, A425 etc theres alot lanes around there :D but had no such luck in finding her in challenger and a mate in 7930 will tlak to her tonight and find them tomo ;D:D

oh yeah using the works kit to go galivanting arround the countryside, bet the boss loved that, what were you ment to be doing then :D :D

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I did that enough times when I saw a terra gator spreading muck and big Fendt ploughing it all that time i nealy went up the bank :D :D

No worries sean day off;) making most of so thought I'd have fun day but to no avail :(

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People who don't yield  >:(  Some Soccer Mom t^#$ was in a hurry...decided to try to gun her engine and get past me before I turned... close to a collision because she didn't have the time to yield! Just cant understand why people don't respect right of way and yielding laws anymore!  :(

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People who don't yield  >:(  Some Soccer Mom t^#$ was in a hurry...decided to try to gun her engine and get past me before I turned... close to a collision because she didn't have the time to yield! Just cant understand why people don't respect right of way and yielding laws anymore!  :(

We get the same over here with drivers who have to be that second ahead Tim, usually 3 series BMW drivers wearing braces looking at their sales records while on the A14 :D :D :D!.....seriously though it is drivers on there who have to be that second ahead, who dont have the patience to get off the road with everyone else, so they fly down the side, expected to be let in at the last minute, push in if not and dont care what they have caused behind! >:( >:(>:( >:(

You find most drivers once passed, forget how to drive anyway and what the highway code is :D :D :D :D :D::)

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1 word  PLUMBERS >:(;D

I have the best plumber in the world, I've decided and therefore it is so.

He is the most incredibly posh chap.  :D

He was a big cheese in the city and sold on the stock markets.

Came out of that about 6 years ago to rennovate an old house up here.

He recently decided he needed to earn some money [3 kids in private school  ::)] looked at web design but then settled on plumbing because he 'enjoyed the measuring and cutting and soldering'. Just finished his course, he's hilarious. I had a friend helping me out on Saturday, introducing the two was bizarre.

'Paul, Edward - stock broker, Edward, Paul - acquisitions and mergers accountant.'

One doing my plumbing and one battening the walls.  :D

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