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That's what's getting me down Colm. If the agencey offer me work I just have to take it, if I say depends on weather I may lose the work. Then it rains and silaging doesn't going. Pain in the derriere.

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Well it wasn't today but this is the first chance i've had to get to a pc. I got crushed on sunday loadin cattle , when the bolt and dragged the mobile pen sidewards knocking me over and trapping me under the gates. Ended up going to A+E to get it checked out and got addmitted with 2 cracked ribs and suspected ruptured spline. So i'm hacked off just finished a weeks holiday and now i'm laid up.


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Cheers Tris, Got to get better for next week well more mobile anyway as i have to drive a sprayer at cereals . So plenty of R+R this week and i hope to get on with my diorama that i started a while back so keep a look out for that, and i'll be scanning the forum for plenty of tips.

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went away early to start verge mowing, council phoned to say that we need to speed up as the grass is getting long, thing is thay told us not to start on the usual date as it wasnt worth cutting, dont really think its my fault.

than the rain came on and it slowed me down consideribly, then the gearbox snapped 2 of the bolts which attach it to the frame, so packed up and headed home only for the bl***y lifting frame to snap and the mower landed in a heap on the road >:( >:(>:( now i cant go tommorow till ive tried to fix it

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went away early to start verge mowing, council phoned to say that we need to speed up as the grass is getting long, thing is thay told us not to start on the usual date as it wasnt worth cutting, dont really think its my fault.

than the rain came on and it slowed me down consideribly, then the gearbox snapped 2 of the bolts which attach it to the frame, so packed up and headed home only for the bl***y lifting frame to snap and the mower landed in a heap on the road >:( >:(>:( now i cant go tommorow till ive tried to fix it

I've had that happen as well, they go down with a hell of a bang when that happens don't they, soon welded it up again

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I've had that happen as well, they go down with a hell of a bang when that happens don't they, soon welded it up again

it was loud all right, its the offset verge mower it happened to not the hedger it looks a bit like the frame is twisted as all the weight pivots on a big pin at one side, not so sure how its going to fix :-\

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Sounds nasty, it was a Bomford B508 that done it to me, all the lift rods split on it and gouged the tarmac as it hit, another local chap had the top link pin snap on a brand new McConnel and it went straight over backwards, that was messy apparently :o

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acctually i feel sorry for the bee aswell

i think needs to pick on somone his own size

this is what really happend

bee flys by, simon whats to look brave so he puches at it

he is so drunk he falls over giveing him self a black eye when he hits the ground so it looks like he has been puched

bee lands on simon and stings him

bee dies

simon lies to his mates in the pub

this is what he said to his mate in the pub

"arrrr guess what this guy flew past me wHen i was walking back from here last night so i though right im gunna beat him up, he stabbed me in the neck but i fought back and killed him"

sorrry simon

JOKE  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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