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What really annoyed you today

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i was going to go out potato havester hunting when i got home as toaday it had been really sunny so packed every thing to go and i steped out side then it tipped it down with rain

That's farming mate. :(

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Left my house at 4.30 this morning to make an early delivery in Kent when 9 miles into my 12 mile journey to work I realised i'd left my lorry keys on the kitchen worktop >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(


  was you coming down to ashford paul , not a good day with the m20 shut :-\ :-\

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Just been talking tax at work, I'm getting utterly shafted by the bloody taxman and now the bank.... It feels like I'm not allowed to earn any money. I am now hugely peeved about being massively overdrawn and with no way of actually earning the money to clear my overdraft... to pay it off, before tax I need a lump sum bonus of £5500 and I won't see any of it, the bank and the taxman will take the lot! Annoyed isn't the word, suicidal is more accurate!  >:(

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What annoyed me today...  >:( >:(

Bloody Udimore Tractor Shop Advertising Banner in my face all the time....  >:( >:(

Just DO NOT click on it lads/lasses whatever you do... he'll steal your identity and everyfing !  :o>:(


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Come to me my dearest weirdos I will look after you all in this crazy crazy hobby of ours  :-*

Everyone apart from you bignose  :-*

Back on topic  ;) ;) just Marky being online at the same time as me  :-*

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I had to take a Bomag roller out in the Ifor Williams trailer behind the Land Rover 110 pick up today ::) To a place called Ringshall Hall......... so off I go down a track to the Hall to be told 'not here i'm affraid' so I reverse out about half a mile on to a busy road and go down the next drive Ringshall Hall Farm where i'm greated with 'you found us then mate' Why can't people in offices type the whole address on a delivery note >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

I'm soooo glad I wasn't in my lorry ::) ::)::)

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An arrogant git at a so called "helpline" for Westland Garden Products. I am quite anal about my grass and I spend a lot of time and money on the lawn, I also have an HND in Turfgrass Science so I know what I am talking about.

Well, about 4 weeks ago I applied the said Westland Autumn feed and moss killer to the lawn and waited for the moss to die back so that I could scarify it out for the winter. Only problem was that it didn't die ......it grew and grew and grew.

So I ring the help line and the conversation went along the lines of

"the moss killer didn't work"

"did you have rain after you applied it?"

"well yes, it has been rather damp for the last 6 weeks or so"

"oh, it will have washed out then you will have to reapply it"

"it says on the box, if it doesn't rain within 3 days to water it in"

"yes well it depends how much rain you get, you have obviously had too much"

It became obvious that Westland are beyond reproach and it must all be either my fault for putting it on when it was about to rain for a week or more, or my fault for letting it rain in the first place

Shan't be buying Westland again  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

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Lorry drivers overstocking stockpiles >:(

Covered 100ac today at the right rate to use up the listed 1138t as per paperwork. We are fast approaching 1400t and estimate another 200t to go. Just to make matters worse we just lost 50ac to reapply to a Deere 7800 and 6m Vaderstad drilling rape.

Going to be a late one as he is drilling through the night so we have to finish the pile :(

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my uncle did us a favour and took a load of barley to the grain store, i got a phone call in the afternoon from the manager of the store to say when he tipped the trailer he hit an overhead elevator and bent it, and we now have to foot the repair bill!

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