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What really annoyed you today

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not being able to find that link to the LIEBHERR 360 excavator climbing that steel tower that was posted the other day. Liebherr search on youtube doesn't find it..... any help please...? ::)  Cheers in advance.

ask and ye shall recive nigel ;):D :D :D :D :D


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trimmed the new bedroom door down today, had to take 1cm of the bottom, so i thought saw it off, got half way through and the saw slipped, broke the bit i had cut so far off, and as my hand went down, removed the skin of all 4 fingers on the saw handle on the edge of the door >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( now out of plasters :D :D :D :D :D and it hurts a little

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my insurance company at the mo

why do we have insurance a compleat waste of money

just pretend your an immigrant and dont have any MOT, insurance etc., you'll be fine  >:( >:(>:( >:(::)

Re: What really annoyed you today???

big CEO is up here today.....hope all is ok, cant face job hunting again :'( :'(

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a bittle ***** in my class told a joke about jade goody, even though she said i dont find this funny, she had a smirk on her face when she said it, and i said to her thats not rite making fun of people dying of cancer. then when i said that she fully had a go at me saying how her aunty died of cancer so how would she make jokes about it. but i thought if you didnt find a joke funny then why would you even tell anyone it. she has realy got on my nerves, havn't felt as angry in all my life.  >:( >:(>:( >:(

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neither do i lads, but sadly its a fact that they will come out, best to just not laugh and say anything to them, i tend to delete any text ones i get when somebody famous dies, just cant see the point in it, had one today already about that british actress that died overnight from skining, sick or what

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