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What really annoyed you today

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I'm so glad you only have the one puppy, Mandy. The innuendo that may follow the mention of 'puppies' may get too rude! Anyway, what have you got and can we have piccies please? :) I think the pet topic is still around.

Toe is stiff today and I'm walking like the image Jethro portrays when describing his mate 'Slipalong Travaskey' :D :D

Tris, you ought to know by now that if an accident is going to happen it will happen to you.  You should have got yourself some new safety boots with your record of mishaps and objects hitting your toes!  You have my sympathies though,  toes are very tender objects!

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I'm so glad you only have the one puppy, Mandy. The innuendo that may follow the mention of 'puppies' may get too rude! Anyway, what have you got and can we have piccies please? :) I think the pet topic is still around.

Toe is stiff today and I'm walking like the image Jethro portrays when describing his mate 'Slipalong Travaskey' :D :D

Pic Tris:



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real pillock in a JD 6420 with flat bed on the back ,and 18 spud boxes on that, all empty  decided to cross the a38 dual carriageway today,to enter a field right as i and a bunch of traffic came at him doing  60 mph plus, got across by the skin of his teeth only to stop with the back end of the trailer still hanging out into the slow lane causing me and a lorry behind to swerve into the outside lane nearly causing a accident,pillock clearly hadnt seen the closed gate in the way had he, only had to go a short distance up the road, and turn round into a layby, prob no more than 200 m, could have pulled in safe and walked down, to get it ready ,lorry driver actually stopped behind me, not quiet sure what happened, but i looked back and his drivers door was open

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Check under Harry's bed for a slingshot :D :D :D  Ive not been on much do you have any updated photos of the little man??

Will do Rick, have some on facebook but i'm sure Marky will get some more of him at Spalding  ;) .....in the mean time....

Harry stealing the car and at my cousins wedding in July



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Love the pics FB, looks a bit like me 28 years ago especially with the braces! Careful letting him into the front of the car on his own though, I was 7 when I leant on the handbrake sending my mum's pride and joy slamming into a car on sale in a garage forecourt ::):-[

Anyway back to the annoyance:

1. Not noticing a lens from my glasses pop out on college campus as I was map reading, only to find it at the end of the day in pieces. [angry emoticon]

2. Getting lost in Gloucester after taking a wrong turn. Signage in the suburbs is appalling >:(

3. Driving all the way to a scrap merchants only to find they were closed and the realisation that I'll be hauling a tonne 1/2 of metal for the next few days, my poor spings, tyres etc.

4. Hearing that a placement I had high hopes for is not going ahead as the farmer has been advised to take a break by his doc and he needs someone with more experience!  :'(

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my 7840 pto stopped working  replaced the fuse  2 hours later we still couldnt find the problem  , phoned the mechanic within 5 mins he`d diagnosed a faulty but not completely not working , pto switch.

however, now successfully by passed  meantime using some of my ebay wiring terminal purchases after being told  " WTF are you wantin with all those?"

then the  guy using it arrived back 2 hours later with a broken blade bar on the topper !  >:( >:(

add that to me not being able to get on with cutting silage  for folks arriving  for various things, one to see me about buying my spring fertiliser, one to see me just because he was passing, one to try to sell me feedstuff, dad just to see me ,cousin just to see what i was doing and numerous phone calls !!!!!!!

frustrating day for sure but thats the  silage all cut for the year now , finished at 7 45 tonight

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People well 1 inparicular today , who park across the drive there is a white line at the bottom , asked him to move "ahh just a minute"  >:( >:(  umm no now !!!!! goes into the shop then comes back out telling us how the white line means nothing & how he can park there whenever he likes & there is nowt we can do about it ( weel c about that 1 ). Then to top it off phones me gran & says your Son & Grandson have just been agressive to me  ???  . Now everyone in a nark with everyone  :-\  why he couldent have just backed up as there was a space there would have saved a hell, off alot off hastle & something tells me this aint over yet  >:(

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the little sods that trashed my mums garden last night, all the pots tipped out, broken into the shed, but nothing missing from it, pretty much half the plants pulled out of the boarders , hopefully the new fence will put them off now, once finished it will have carpet gripper round the top, and the way we built it theres a 3 m drop of te wall behind it to

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the little sods that trashed my mums garden last night, all the pots tipped out, broken into the shed, but nothing missing from it, pretty much half the plants pulled out of the boarders , hopefully the new fence will put them off now, once finished it will have carpet gripper round the top, and the way we built it theres a 3 m drop of te wall behind it to

I would have used an elecrric fencer    or razor tape :-\

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Phew! I'm glad to hear the pto problem was internal with the 78. One of those days by the sound of it.

aye tris, just one of those days.not improved much today either, twisted my ankle again, and the weather forecast  probably means I`m gonna have to get busy tomorrow rather than waiting to round bale  my silage until  my much preferred option of wilting it til monday

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I thought you hooked up to your neighbours?? ;)::) ::) , you thought about going with Sky with your TV package??

get virgin media 20mb fibre optic broadband. its so good. urinates on any internet service provider i've ever had, (apart from when i lived in halls and was on uni of liverpool ISP).

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get virgin media 20mb fibre optic broadband. its so good. urinates on any internet service provider i've ever had, (apart from when i lived in halls and was on uni of liverpool ISP).

We have got that Alex. When we were told there was a Virgin in the street . . . ok ok calm down! . . . Our Sparky mentioned it when we moved in so we wern't passing the oppurtunity up. TV can be a bit slow though, especially the On Demand thing.

Sean the carpet gripper is a great idea! :D I'd pay to watch out if I could catch them spike their hands! :D :D

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I know what you mean Derek. It's like trying to separate the peanut out of M&M without breaking the shell. I like shellfish, not so keen on eggs though. Well I like them fried but . . . . No I do like eggs. Couldn't imagine laying one though.

. . . Derek . . . ?

It's just me and you now then Mr M&M . . .

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Sean the carpet gripper is a great idea! :D I'd pay to watch out if I could catch them spike their hands! :D :D

i know tris, nasty stuff that in the knees, let alone the fingers, cant belive the little sods, never happened before, and that night they did 3 others to in the same street ,local bobbys round monday to see her and the others apparently, see what they have to say, but a few calls have been made to friends in the area and i recon we will find out who it was easy enough

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