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What really annoyed you today

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its not that easy sue, to do that i have to leave the laptop behind in the office, which i cant do as i have to record everything i do live time on my "taskforce" program, thats travel, time i arrive  onsite, lunch, back from lunch, time i leave, time back in the yard, stores time , and every "wau" or job i do within each main job, its a real time in motion system thats giving us no end of headaches by its self, if i dont do that i get a black mark against me, and that causes all sorts of agro, the laptops just not up to it, its getting on 10 years old now and they wont change them down to cost???????

have gone down the report the helpdesk route now, as to me whats the point of ringing a 24 hrs desk to sort problems there and then as they quoute, only to get passed from pillar to post with no joy?? kind of defeats the object really

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I would hope with all that red tape you have to dance through that you could somehow create documentation for yourself.  If your doing oral calls do a follow up email if possible for records.....got to find ways to create doc. for protecting yourself....Seanie the Jarheads will otherwise eat your lunch and who needs that stress.... :-\

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I do understand, Sean.  It is a real pain when the system is so rigid and hide-bound.  Proper "Jobsworth". 

I bet some bright spark with a degree in bee-keeping or some unrelated subject who has never done the job thought it all up and got/gets extremely well-paid for it. 

In a bureaucracy like that the only thing to do is put your own complaint in writing and keep a copy.  That way when your laptop fails completely they cannot say you should have got it fixed!

Good luck

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I do understand, Sean.  It is a real pain when the system is so rigid and hide-bound.  Proper "Jobsworth". 

I bet some bright spark with a degree in bee-keeping or some unrelated subject who has never done the job thought it all up and got/gets extremely well-paid for it. 

In a bureaucracy like that the only thing to do is put your own complaint in writing and keep a copy.  That way when your laptop fails completely they cannot say you should have got it fixed!

Good luck

I agree with this 25 years in the system taught me a few mins, of paperwork  hence getting it on paper can save your bloody life. Once the jarheades learn your crossing your Ts and dotting your i they will be more careful when ringing your bell.....He said she said is BS....get it down

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well its sorted now sue but i had to leave the laptop online all day in the yard, and deal with all my "online "stuff when i got back, but as a downside of that, i also have to do a duplicate set on paper, and send 3 e-mails to explain why to various departments or managers dealing with this stuff, we sat and worked out that on average every engineer on our side spends 1 and a half hres a day on the laptop, instead of doing actual work, and they claim this is a better system??? the paperwork and emails alone took me 40 mins, without back dating everything on the laptop whiuch took 40 mins to fiddling the times on the laptop to trip the system

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Glad it is all sorted, Sean.  Absolute nightmare - I am glad I work for myself!  I make the decisions and if it goes wrong I can only blame me but on the other hand no one gives me aggro!

cept me  :angel:

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well its sorted now sue but i had to leave the laptop online all day in the yard, and deal with all my "online "stuff when i got back, but as a downside of that, i also have to do a duplicate set on paper, and send 3 e-mails to explain why to various departments or managers dealing with this stuff, we sat and worked out that on average every engineer on our side spends 1 and a half hres a day on the laptop, instead of doing actual work, and they claim this is a better system??? the paperwork and emails alone took me 40 mins, without back dating everything on the laptop whiuch took 40 mins to fiddling the times on the laptop to trip the system

Not a better system but you will sleep much better when you have the data to support yourself......

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cept me  :angel:

Only when it comes to pictures! 

What annoyed me was a major power failure yesterday evening.  I  switche on the kettle and the power light failed to glow.  Thinking the kettle had packed up I was about to check the fuse when I realised the radio was off, and the fridge. Got a chair to check my main circuit box and nothing had tripped.

It was a major failure as all three villages in this area were affected and we were without electricity for 3 hours.

Fortunately I have a gas cooker so was able to have a hot dinner!

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I was horrified when I heard about the dogs on the radio. 

I spent a lot of money to have a secure tailgate guard with lockable doors fitted to my car.  I can lock the car but leave the tailgate up  with windows open and my dogs are secure.  BUT and it is a big but, I still park my car in shade whenever possible and if it is really hot like yesterday and Sunday I do not even consider taking my dogs out in the car as they are better off indoors in the cool. 

I know things are different for working dogs who have to travel but the Racing Greyhound Association require trainers to have their dog transport vehicles fitted with cooling units.

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the 2 police dogs ,kept in a van with no windows open yesterday ,both died

Aye its daft & the fact they have had this happen before, it realy shouldent have happened again. Realy annoying is the officer on the radio saying this serves as a lesson to us all ,so for us to understand what would happen if u leave a dog in a hot car , you had to demonstrate it did you  >:(

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having to stop work as the ditch king i was using on an old new holland 7840 decided it wanted to have some split pipes. to be fair though they are over 15 years old and havnt been used for about 4 years.

just a pain really as i was getting alot done.

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Fancy dress at the weekend... left it sooooooo late and can't find anything now >:(

Mexican theme if anyone can help :-\

You can borrow my moustache Mandy if you want? :D

Or, you could spray yourself and Frazer brown all over and jump around a lot at the party. Mexican Jumping Beans ......! Sorry, best I can come up with! ::)

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Went to B&Q to get some stone effect spray paint for my new dispaly and got it home just before the can exploded. Just rested it on a wall quickly as i got something out of one of the tractors and as i walk away i here a bang. I look round and see the paint spraying out of the can in all directions. >:(  On the plus side some of the wall now has a different colour.

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Went to B&Q to get some stone effect spray paint for my new dispaly and got it home just before the can exploded. Just rested it on a wall quickly as i got something out of one of the tractors and as i walk away i here a bang. I look round and see the paint spraying out of the can in all directions. >:(  On the plus side some of the wall now has a different colour.

Happened to me too with a halfords tin a year or so ago in my spray booth! Went of with a hell of bang, and the nozzle ended up the other side of workshop, And my arm turned cream!  :of  ::)

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Aye its daft & the fact they have had this happen before, it realy shouldent have happened again. Realy annoying is the officer on the radio saying this serves as a lesson to us all ,so for us to understand what would happen if u leave a dog in a hot car , you had to demonstrate it did you  >:(

I like the way you put that. Although it is sad, upsetting and so on and so forth those dogs suffered a terrible death and the keeper of them should be lynched for it whoever they are, owner, master, breeder . ... it matters not. It disgusts me some of the actions of people.

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