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What really annoyed you today

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I'd of paid a visit to his car and pinched everything, remember smacking fat people doesn't work, you can easily lose your arm in them spare tyres :o :o :o :o ;D

theres a teacher at the Missus's's's's school who is loud when it comes to money

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A couple of TVV@TS doing Karaoke in the next yard...........singing(wailing) Picture - Sheryl Crow & Kid Rock.............bucket of icy water for them me thinks  :D :D :D :D :D

MMMM methinks it's about time to pay a visit to your area with the BEETie mobile Scott! :D :D :D

What did I see that anoyed me today? Lots of bloody landscapers out on everyone' s lawn. So much for earning money mowing this summer! >:(

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MMMM methinks it's about time to pay a visit to your area with the BEETie mobile Scott! :D :D :D

What did I see that anoyed me today? Lots of bloody landscapers out on everyone' s lawn. So much for earning money mowing this summer! >:(

Must be the sandals Tim, or the toxic beetroot farts that come out your rear ;D ;D ;D

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Must be the sandals Tim, or the toxic beetroot farts that come out your rear ;D ;D ;D

Can't be mate, the sandals are gone, and the high heels are in. Not sure about the toxic beetroot farts though. ;D:D :D :D

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My mum always tells me I have an answer for everythong, so probably :D :D :D::)

Aint it the truth! Would be contervertial whether yer answers are helpfull and accurate or not! :D :D :D

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Aint it the truth! Would be contervertial whether yer answers are helpfull and accurate or not! :D :D :D

Not at all, my answers are as accuarate as can be ;D ;D ::)

Bang as NCC hits his large inflated head on Boeing 747 heading to Heathrow :-\ :-\

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Not at all, my answers are as accuarate as can be ;D ;D ::)

Bang as NCC hits his large inflated head on Boeing 747 heading to Heathrow :-\ :-\

Ah good no NCC or mentioning of bloody Pink thongs for a week , I mean sorry to hear that mate, get well soon! ::):D :D :D

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Because it is yet another bleeding rival for the magazine I edit, of course!

R Day

I wouldent worry rory CLASSIC TRACTOR mag is the one mag i always wait for

last friday of the month 

I rate it better than PROFI keep up the good work p.s

when are you going to do a dealer profile on INTER-TRAC as it was promised

in one of  your prevous issues and i would like to see that

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The speedo stopping working in my Land Rover and making grating noises. Another ?120 bill for a new speedo!!  >:( >:(>:( >:(

speedo started squealing in mine about 4 years ago so took cable out of back and that's how it has stayed ever since! Keep meaning to do something about it but...

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